Sweet Jesus! You've returned! w00t! Welcome back B-Rad!
I love the use of Street Wraith in the deck, very cool. I've always wondered if it was a future sighted card for another Ravnica block, i sure hope so! I also enjoy the use of Rouse in this deck. This deck has some great ideas. You're a pretty good deck builder dude. Right on!
Very true, but i was basing it off of his ability not the reanimation aspect. Maybe i'll write up another mean way to abuse this power ass demon.
Actually conquering manticore is what i meant. Ha ha ha!
Sweet ass, 2 decks on the homepage!
No Worldy Tutor, Mystic Tutor, or Mystic Teachings? Cwazy my friend, cwazy! Also, you have a lot of fetch lands but a few lands for them to fetch... How does that work? I don't think you thought this deck through far enough my friend.
Damn, i need to play where you are... Infect is a pain in the ass here! LoL I'd drop the four Fauna Shaman and one Copperhorn Scout and add 3 Wren's Run Vanquisher and two Genesis Wave.
My best friend "That1Guy" told me to look at this and see if I could offer advice... Sooo I'd definitely run 20 lands. Granted the deck runs a very low Mana Curve, but a 1/3 chance for land is much better to consistantly drop your spells. Instead of running Spinned Wurm and Yavimaya Wurm i'd run 2 Pelakka Wurm instead. The card is leaps and bounds better. Alpha Tyrannax could better be replaced by Pelakka Wurm or Baneslayer Angel as well to keep the lifegain coming. Overall I like the feel of the deck, but it is so "singleton-like" I am having a hard time giving advice on this. Sorry I couldn't be of more help...
BTW, if you're wondering where sTr8-jAcKeT has been I got an e-mail from him (Brad) a little while ago, he's been busy with his new job and such and hasn't had much time for coming on-line.
Hey man, I'm trying to come up with a my own format to play with my friends. When we're all together there is 7 of us and i am trying to come up with a better multiplayer format than free for all. In fantasy style stuff i've always enjoyed a big battle scene or war in general on fantasy stuff. So i've come up with something called Tribal Wars... i'd love some advice or extra input, if you gotta e-mail address i can hit you up at that'd be cool. My real name is Bryan btw...
You're right, 65 likes... it should be on the main page huh?
You need multiple people in a day to click "like" on it or add a comment. I'm guessing... but it's a logical guess...
While wall of Omens is a good card, you should be getting plenty of card advantage from your unblocked Scroll Thief and you can add some more artifacts, otherwise raggedjoe is right, the Metalcraft aspect falls very short in this deck. It's an awesome idea, just need a few more artifacts in it to utiliza the metalcraft aspect of it.
Ha ha ha, that combo is nuts, too bad it's not legal! Yeah I'm surprised my Standard Weenie deck is on the front page, I kinda wrote that without much thought... sad, and now it's i think the highest rate don there currently... without cheating that is.
So nice of you... haha!
There is always the sideboard my friend! You got 15 more cards you can cram in! Think of it as the Honorable Mentions... Thanks for the recognition my friend and I am glad to see Sol Ring in there!
Slight change to the sideboard. I dropped the 2 Sword of Body and Mind and the extra Myrsmith for 3 Etched Champion's. The blanket effect of Tempered Steel still provides it's bonus and I swapped out the mysmith for these when playing against light removal decks. Having protection from their colors is great and usually they are stronger with Tempered Steel then any other artifact creature that can block them.
Thanks, i appreciate it!
You need something to keep you and your opponent drawing, that way you have cards to mill him with and while he's drawing he's technically milling himself. Try Howling Mine and Vision Skeins, aslo you need some blocking creatures (fodder). Try Hedron Crab, Cathardic Adept, Merrow Witsniper, and my favorite... Nemesis of Reson. Plus, with more creatures out you can maximize your potential with Memory Sluice. Memory Erosion is another great card you coul add too.
I'm surprised this deck hasn't gotten more likes. I play tested this bad boy last night and kicked some serious ass with it... Making Thrummingbird Unblockable nullifies the fact you just use -1 on Venser and if you have two out you're gaining even more loyalty counters for him. I ran the deck with two clones instead of Sun Titan to get more Thrummingbird's or maybe even copy an opponents Skithiryx ;-) and then once Venser got up high enough i got his emblem and it was all down hill for opponent from there. This deck is lots of fun! Great job!
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