Angel of despair, tidehollow sculler
Marsh flats is a better land, no mercy is good, and dash hopes is friggin sweet
c'mon you just gotta have vampire nighthawk in a vamp deck, lol look into golgari rot farm
i would throw in 2 steel hellkite, um tho[pter assembly, maybe wurmcoil even though it doesnt go with your whole theme, still an awesome card
to many one of's needs consistency
well a lot of people don't like to help noobs, but your in luck because you picked vampires and i like vampires. So, i know you're new and probably don't have 4 of each card you want to put in, but that's the first thing that makes a deck good. Consistency. The next thing you'll want to do is pick a theme. Sacrifice, Lifelink, Life Loss, etc. etc. Now here is the good thing about this site, YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE ALL THE CARDS YOU WANT IN YOUR DECK. Make the deck you WANT and build up to it. Check out my profile for ideas, pretty much any black deck i have has vampires. Hope this helped. and dont forget to -------------------HAVE FUN--------------------------------------
ok nevermind on the sorin markov, but maybe - ob nixilis, the fallen - , howling banshee, mortis dogs, and definitely phyrexian rager, dont forget BLOODGHAST - hope i helped -
um, sorin markov posssibly, fume spitter or death cultist might be a good idea, bloodghast would probably be a very good addition, i'll get back to you
to many equipments in my opinion, and not enough artifact creatures for tempered steel, and way to many 3 costs, not tryin to be an a-hole just trying to point out flaws for you to perfect - if you want you can check out my profile i've tried to build this deck over and over again if you'd like some ideas the only deck i haven,t made is one where i wanted all the equipments to be germ equips so if i had nothing to attach them to i could at least have blockers - - hope i helped
i would definitely drop the tainted strike, either go all poison or no poison - i do understand the opponet might not be expecting it but all or none - also why the skyfisher i dont see it benefiting you as much as hurting you, there are only 2 germ equipments, but that is an excellent idea. why not try the glint hawk, skyfisher, quest deck with some cheap germ equips and minus the 0 cost creatures
for some reason my mana curve is wrong - mental misstep is a 1 mana but the curve shows it as a 3
sleep maybe
maybe dispatch or condemn instead of pacifism but other than that looks good
this is a great idea i would like to see it standard
choking fumes is what i was thinking, or maybe marrow shards sideboard, maybe everflowing chalice for the same reason as chimeric mass
definitely viable, because of your whole counter theme you have going on, plus captivating vamp. also you have bloodghast coming back from the dead, speaking of that you need marsh flats also
blade of the bloodchief, and i personally like making my opponette sacrifice his creatures, it kinda messes with their head a little. you've got gatekeeper but if you wamt more try consuming vapors, geth's verdict, and MAYBE big maybe anowon, the ruin sage - hope i helped
well instead of bouncing creatures to activate quest's effect, i was trying to bounce chimeric mass, everflowing chalice, and/or surge node. That way in late game i'll have more manna from the chalice, can get a bigger chimeric mass or reset the surge node, while having SOME control with dispatch, norns annex, and isolation cell
oh don't forget to look at my deck called crazy good on my 4th page plz
you don't need any help i see haha - yeah ranger of eos just makes this deck stupid good, this is soul sisters on crack, the only thing i see is that it needs removal (you can't play white without any removal, its like playing blue without any counterspells or draw) oh and wall of reverence, if you get an avatar from ajani out you can double your life total it's a combo eternity vessel
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