yeah batman i know the deck you're talking about look at the 4th page of my decks for a deck called crazy good, i have that deck and it is what gave me the inspiration for this deck, i was just trying to go a different direction this time but i love playing that deck - i'll comment on your lifegain thanks for yours
i would drop ajani and add 2 more myr superion, the turbine and archangel probably aren't necessary, tempered steel might be something to think about, and i would probably put 3-4 tectonic edge instead of mystifying maze, they are great for man-lands or any other pesky lands that are just annoying (emeria, the sky ruin)
you like lifelink i see, haha well i have a vampire deck that focuses on sacrificing that works really well for me, and people hate sacrificing their own creatures so that just makes it way more fun. so if you want to here are some cards that go with that theme gatekeeper of malakir, consuming vapors and anowon, the ruin sage. (all relativly cheap as well) others that dont go with the sac theme are : bloodghast (works great with marsh flats combo), malakir bloodwitch (protection from white), vampire hexmage (great for planeswalkers and poison counters), pulse tracker (good with bloodchief ascension), guul draz vampire, guul draz assassin, blade of the bloodchief is maybe better than lashwrithe, also most vampire decks are aggro which means low cost 1-2 mana - oh shit the most important card you need is SIGN IN BLOOD hope i helped
pick a theme and stick to it, and put x4 of most cards
yeah maybe take out deciever exarch for him ?????
choking fumes is the name oh brave the elements maybe
you need removal in the main deck, you're playing white with no removal, thats like playing blue with no counterspells - c'mon as for the sideboard - firewalker, mirran crusader, leyline of sanctity,and the new put a -1-1 counter on each attacking creature i;ll comment back for the name of the card oh and 2-4 more plains
too slow and to many equipments all the swords are sideboard cards, you need some removal(condemn/journey to nowhere, or protection like brave the elements - quest for the holy relic + argentum armor also sun titan goes in great because basically everything is under 3 mana hope i helped
maybe darksteel plate ???
i like this deck ... i do but the only thing is, there aren't that many artifacts. i understand the ones you have are indestructible, but maybe you should at least make it even with 16 creatures and 16 artifacts. tell me what you think about mine when you get a chance please
D_ROC - Everything's Bigger in TEXAS
honestly i think you should go a little crazy and run like 4x memoricide and/or 4x sadistic sacrament, remove any major threats out of the opponets deck so you can control the board easier, and since you won't really be concerned about their life total maybe condemn would be some better/cheaper removal and i'm not so sure about the vat with so few creatures but the wall of omes + vat is pretty cool
its a really good idea, but there are only 18 creatures, and i don't know if mainboarding the lash is the best idea, i think you should drop that and 1 throne and add 1 hand, 1 stinger, and 1 necropede also the highest mana cost you have is 4 so 22 land should sufice, i would spring for 1 more necropede and at least 1 skythirix just becasue, i mean he's just insane stabbing pain might actually be a good card to mainboard, you could either kill a 1/1 thats in the way or tap a bigger creature to get by for oober poison counters sign in blood is something i wouldnt have thought about and a good add, well i hope i helped some
vector asp instead of condemn or even disfigure, and definitely gotta work in hand of the praetors but love the tempered steel in there, its just awesome
always like a good modular deck, but i really think a steel overseer and/or some proliferate could really make this sick, also eldrazi monument might be something to think about, its so broken if they do bring back modular and myrsmith is to lol - good stuff here though, hope i helped oh and black lotus is cheating - you might as well just make a zero cost deck with lotus and mox opal and all three 0 cost creatures lol - hmm, actually sounds kinda fun
this is pretty cool, i've been tryin to think of a good combo with voltaic key, in this i might drop the arrest and put in myr resevoir, lux cannon, or maybe ratchet bomb - you could put 3 resevoir and spring for an extra battlesphere and just mana ramp the hell outta the resevoir or palladium myr and get a battlesphere on like turn 3 or something crazy i like the colorless land too, it hadnt really crossed my mind, but definitely puttin dread statuary in mine good build and excellent job - hope i helped give some ideas
well the thing about vampires is that you need all the rare ones to have a decent deck, the first one you need to focus on getting would be captivating vampire he's pretty cheap could probably get him for a dollar or two at a shop, then malakir bloodwitch, shes a little more expensive, then possibly kalastria highborn and bloodghast, then you definitrly gotta have 4x vampire nighthawk and 4x gatekeeper of malikir, 4x sign in blood, and i would put corrupt instead of consume spirit but the whole idea is to put what you want in it, so i figure this is what you actually have and that you should build another deck of what you want, and just keep collecting until you have the exact deck that you want to play with, dont worry you'll have more cards than you'll know what to do with before long
well you found browbeat so you're definitely on the right track =) ok, pyromancers ascension instead of swath, koth, of the hammer instead of chandra, rift bolt instead of galvanic blast, forked bolt instead of shock or tarfire, and lava spike instead of the other, then there is also quest for the pure flame, pyroclasm, and comet storm is a must fire servant, kiln fiend, and chandra's spitfire are some creatures to think about, well and inferno titan hope i helped
thanks i have them i just didnt put them because with 22 land they kinda slow me down sometimes but with all the extra mana ramp i should be ok, thanks again
hey kyle whats up its been a while, so you forgot your password huh ? thats kinda funny maybe if you got on more you wouldn't have lol well hope to see more new decks from you as for this deck maybe drop the golems heart for steel overseer and maybe try to work in tempered steel just as a bonus as well, origin spellbomb would be good for a 1 drop, darksteel myr instead of propagator maybe, i think there is enough mana floating around to go with 4x battlesphere also, especially if you upped the palladiiums to 4 as well, but yeah really good stuff here
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