canopy covers instead of negates, and definitely conquerors pledge also drop 1 nissa for another elspeth or another ajani - and maybe felidar sovereign instead of test of endurance just to make it a little but easier plus he's got lifelink lol also you have 9 lands that come into play tapped that can kinda screw you in the beginning and think about behemoth sledge also
lose the apex hawks, aven squire, sky ruin drake, snapping drake, and wall of omens then add enclave cryptologist, merfolk sovereign, coralhelm commander, merfolk skyscout, merfolk wayfinder and halimar depths instead of celestial colonnade - basically make it a merfolk deck and you'd be better off and also 62 cards with 22 lands is the highest i'd go the merfolk sckyscout will let you untap cryptologist so you can draw an additional card and if you keep sage owl and put halimar depths and you know you have a land pocket on top then you play wayfinder to put them in your hand so you can get to the good stuff - and might want to think about venerated teacher and training grounds with all the levelers that will add - oh and wanderwine hub would go good if you dont want halimar depths
dragon roost isn't legal but i guess crucible of fire is for a little while thanks i'll add it
got a great idea for this deck forget the grim and soul stair go 4 nighthawks drop nantuko for child of nights drop 2 gatekeepers for 2 malakir bloodwitch and duress for sanguine bond - it wont be legal much longer cuz its 2010 but goes great especially since you added corrupt
oh counterbore instead of laybare and maybe unsommon so there is something one mana
damn this would piss me off if i had to play against it lol where you at kyle come back to us i know i dissapeared for a while to but i'm back and need some help with decks you know i'll help with yours as well just ask but yeah talk to you soon hopefully
22 to 24 lands
tideforce elemental+ruin ghost+lotus cobra combo if you have a rampaging baloth out it's like unlimited 4/4 creatures or an grazing gladehart is unlimited life and just unlimited landfall period
i think you have enough vampires to play feast of blood instead of doom blade and definitely butcher of malikir cuz the bloodghast combo which the kalastria benefits from to and i like the pithing needles in the sideboad =) i like grim discovery and soul stair expeditions in my vampire deck hope this helped
you're doing good by sticking to a basic theme and going with it but everything doesn't have to be from the same sets i guess there are enough lands to not worry about having anything 1 mana and i kinda like that you put 8 search lands to speed it up and thin the deck but a lot of decks would take this out before you could do well basically anything at all try to work on speeding up the deck the on the second third and fourth turn i say drop the search for tomorrow and go four rampant growths and if you want more go with khalni heart expedition and screw the evasive action just go with cancels and maybe mind spring for worldly counsel and comet storm or fireball for tribal flames and maybe a couple of creatures that dont cost 5 mana wolly thoctar maybe these are all just suggestions there might be better cards just trying to help and you'll get better dont let anyone bring you down good luck
well your in luck cuz im not an asshole like some of these other guys Its kinda like a control deck just wait to get a bunch of defenders out and use vent sentinel's ability to go straight for the life points with no way to block except maybe a prevent damage spell and in my deck once woolly razorback loses all his ice counters he loses defender and is a 7/7 the lust for war and unstable footing help to but really the vent sentinel is the key
oh and if you want something done about this zamfir post it on forums not here the admins have a specific forum for suggestions on the site lol
i agree with t3stbug when more experienced players build decks the less experienced guys can go look at the decks they,ve built and get ideas (just dont plaguirize) but for the more experienced deckbuilders there is no help from less experienced so really less experienced just want it to be easier for themselves by experienced guys commenting on there decks but there is nothing you can offer them which is why we see less and less of this in otherwards as already said by bug WHAT COULD WE OFFER THEM?
awesome but you can only have 4 terramorphic expanse and i would go with 4 cancels instead of remove soul they are less direct, in otherwards you can stop creatures and/or spells with them and i would drop coat of arms and put three of each collars,and spikes and maybe drop gatekeeper for feast of bloods that seems like a bunch of changes but i really do like the deck
launch and diplomatic immunity are good ones, since you have halimar depths i would drop ponder for mind spring, aether tradewinds would go nice with sage owl and halimar depths, and fowl play is just down right hilarious but probably makes your opponet want to punch you in the face lol, there are so many good ones for blue it just sux you cant put them all
hey maybe comet storm instead of earthquake so it wouldn't hurt you, but perfect, exactly what i wanted to see good job
that is the craziest effin thing i've ever seen well done man well done you should submit this to that guy who had a deck challenge for most possible ways to win, win, win
i dont know much about eldrazi but if that card called skitter something is standard it would be a good addition and i agree with doubling season as well but i just wanted to say that card you were talkin about on your post in forums is stone giant and i saw the title to this and had to say it was hilarious as well anyways hoped i might have helped laters
i think you should drop vendetta for dash hopes and go with 4 doom blade but if you're stil lookin for a fast vamp deck check out my vampiric sacrifice deck it's pretty nasty
hey check out my vampiric sacrafice when you get a chance please
141-160 of 213 items