90 Decks, 222 Comments, 3 Reputation

have you thought about living destiny or joraga warcaller or even geaes revenge just to have something else that cant be countered or targeted for cheaper

Posted 03 September 2010 at 01:16 as a comment on Just Look


that sounds pretty resonable so i will change it, but honestly i only have one slayer and two titans and only one of each of the search lands, but thanks for the comment, but i do have some questions, if there are two sky ruins out can i bring back a creature for each, and what do you think about droping lone missionary for ajanis pridemate???? and thanks for explaining the search lands it does get kinda annoying sometimes but we were all noobs at one point lol

Posted 03 September 2010 at 01:04 in reply to #85152 on Graveyard/Lifegain


you should make this strictly kor deck and get armament master and 4x whispersilk cloak, and more sword of vengeance, aslo kor duelist and some basilisk collar, then you could put some emeria, the sky ruin and some kor cartographer, hope i gave you some good ideas, good luck tomorrow

Posted 03 September 2010 at 00:48 as a comment on Honor of the Chosen T2


well, expanse slows the deck down while marsh you lose a life but the land doesn't come out tapped, so you can hope bloodchief ascension or kalastria makes up for this and drop lacerator for pulse tracker so you don't "bleed yourself to death" as the blurb says on lacerator

Posted 02 September 2010 at 23:58 in reply to #85059 on Vampire


this is awesome, have you thought about holy day or silence, not that i would know what to take out for it just trying to give you some ideas, if you could get basilisk collat on paladin en vec that would be first strike deathtouch or as i like to say Insta-Kill.

Posted 02 September 2010 at 16:38 as a comment on no


you only have 16 land, that definitely won't do, drop inquisition or mires toll for some marsh flats, actually i would drop both and put in consuming vapors for some more removal, mind sludge and duress is all this needs if making a good vamp deck, and i might swap lacerator for pulse tracker also, oh and where is the vampire hexmage, at least sideboard for planeswalkers

Posted 02 September 2010 at 16:28 as a comment on Vampire


well i'm trying to keep it fnm standard but i made some changes what do you think now, and actually if you wouldn't have said anything i wouldn't have known that you didn't speak english very well, you had me fooled lol, but thanks for the comment i really appreciate it

Posted 02 September 2010 at 16:17 as a comment on Merfolk on Steroids


thats pretty cool i didn't think about doing it with virulent swipe when he entered the battlefield, i knew i couldn't equip the basilisk collar right away and it work, and i figured equiping it to inferno would give the 3 damage deathtouch as well just wanted to make sure, what do you think about killing abyssal persecutor with my own creatures for the win, the only thing to make this better would be terminate and blightning, anybody think they'll reprint them

Posted 02 September 2010 at 04:35 as a comment on Insta-Kill PLEASE LOOK !!!


soul's attendant is still legal and it really does make a big difference for the pridemates plus its every time a creature enters the battlefield not just your creatures, cut the moths and playtest just once with the soul's attendant, i think you'll change your mind. I'm not saying cut the moths though i think cut the landbind and transcendant master, put 4x moth, 4x souls attendant and 4x serra ascendatn

Posted 02 September 2010 at 04:10 as a comment on Mono white lifegain


i like it, but i forgot that this wasn't standard so you could put Vampire Nocturnus, and instead of tendrills of corruption i realized consuming vapors was better. These are both really expensive so sorry, but if money is an issue just keep captivating vampire and tendrills and it'd be good stil.

Posted 02 September 2010 at 04:03 as a comment on Re-Vamped


you could always put in sunlance, definitely drop the elixir, you shouldn't be worried about putting your graveyard in your library, you definitely need lower cost cards, a little more than half the deck is 4 mana or over, and thats the only probelm as well as wrath of god
well actually i would definitely go with baneslayer over angel of mercy, then you could cut guardian seraph for noble vestige for the prevent damage and its flying too, well hoped this helped

Posted 02 September 2010 at 03:47 as a comment on Gates of Heaven, please comment


I like it, but i dont like sorin because if you don't have your opponet down to 10 or LESS life by turn 7 then there is something seriously wrong

Posted 02 September 2010 at 03:22 as a comment on Vampires


also one of my friends had an idea involving selective memory and oracle of mul daya, where you exile all cards but lands and have maybe a hedron crab out to landfall a win, you could also add black for obnixilis or something, i just wanted to see if you would/could come up with something similar to this and maybe tell me about it when ready, i think it's a great idea but just haven't had the will to try

Posted 02 September 2010 at 02:49 in reply to #84934 on Deck Trading


well this mostly works around their library, not their hand or whats on the battlefield, so i think you should put mana leak, and maybe time warp over reversal, so i guess you could cut mind spring for warp i wouldn't cut anything else, but maybe you should go cultivate over rampant growth since you've got explore and that should be enough thinning to get along

Posted 02 September 2010 at 02:39 in reply to #84934 on Deck Trading


y thoughtseize and not duress ??? and mind shatter instead of hymn to tourach just because, and i would go with doom blade instead of remove soul and drop corrupt, also isn't megrim better than liliana's caress, but i really do love the idea, very cool

Posted 02 September 2010 at 01:53 as a comment on Jace / Liliana creatureless control


f@#$ing awesome, but maybe some mana leak to help out early game maybe instead of treasure hunt, but other than that this is really cool, is time warp or time reversal out of the question, but you're right kinda depends on the other person having a decent deck lol

Posted 02 September 2010 at 01:38 as a comment on Deck Trading


it was awesome till i saw fling and teetering peaks because you have no creatures, i say drop fling and devastating summons and put pyromancers ascension and fire servant, then drop teetering peaks for basic mountains and i would drop 2 burst lightning for 2 more mountains

Posted 01 September 2010 at 03:29 as a comment on Burn It


maybe lightning bolt instead of punishin fire, i dont really see you returning it very often, and cut some enchantments, it doesn't seem like you'd be able to last very long with no creatures or direct damage so put those doom blades in the main deck basically, but other than that i love the combos

Posted 01 September 2010 at 03:17 as a comment on discard to death


i like how this would work the only problem i see is getting it to, meaning you really depend on drawing the 6 allies, i dont think you need spellbook and why not put rite of replication instead of clone just for the chance of you being able to kick it, it costs the same in mana, i do like this idea maybe you could add some sleep or maybe archive trap, and definitely some halimar depths, also i would drop crystal ball for temple bells if gonna keep spellbook, hope this helped

Posted 01 September 2010 at 01:17 as a comment on PowerMill


yes they cant block but they are kinda the base of my deck i bury them alive and bring them back with a land and can still play whatver i want plus if i keep sacking them i can use kalastria highborns ability over and over to take 2 gain 2, the domonic tutor are just for if i get a sanguine bond out to look for a blood tribute to end the game

Posted 31 August 2010 at 00:43 as a comment on Vampires Never DIE !!!!


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