dash hopes and not that you need it death denied and maybe cabal ritual if your zombies even stay in there long enough check out my vampiric sacrifice please
thanks, damn noobs huh? i hate those guys lmao
hey stickyfingers do you mind checking out my vampiric sacrifice deck i know you like sacrafice decks and this one is pretty interestin i just feel it could be improved upon
cool check mine out http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=71341
cool zombie check out my vamps http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=71341 please
maybe anowon the ruin sage instead of butcher, idk about blood tribute if no sanguine bond and nighthawk is to good and cheap not to have 4 i know it was just fun just suggestions, i like that you were ballsy enough to go with 8 6 mana even with 26 land
just cut all your 4 creatures/enchantments down to 3 and replace lure with gravity well and maybe some skins for canopy cover that kinda messes up the combo though and i know this doesn't help any but vigor would go nice in there and then with all the counters doubling season maybe you could build another deck and lose the basilisk or somethin hope this helped
i like it, quietus spike is interesting, but why no deadly recluse, i made an all creature deathtouch with green/black, its not the greatest but i just like the idea of all my creatures having deathtouch, cool deck
flame slash, searing blaze, comet storm are better burns definitely keep banefire but just giving ideas
oracle of mul daya, golgari rotfarm, and explore and drop khalni hydra, khalni garden, and harrow i know you dont have any black but you can stil use the mana for what isn't specified and you only need two green for the baloths and you can play the land it puts back with explore and mul daya will make you have more 4/4's more plants and gain life like crazy /// actually you could probably leave khalni garden and cut 4 forest and then use gogari rot farm to activate the plants khalni puts out twice
that sucks about troll ascetic sorry i didnt know or i would'nt have said anything and i think you'll be better off with night pack cuz you'll only have two so the chances are'nt that great that they'll show up early (hopefully) and like you said 7 for 7 2/2's is awesome but yeah definitely gotta let me know how it goes tomorrow or today technically good luck man
idk probably instants would be the more obvious choice but voidslime is what you have the most of and idk if i would drop more than one if any at all but what about gleeful sabotage instead of spitting image its just to high cost and maybe 2 ancestrall recall lol which are both just more instants
so did the mirrodin symbol change or something and thats why i have a loxodon warhammer with an m as the edition symbol or do the planeswalkers decks have their own symbol............................ someone, anyone ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
bloodghast would be a good creature to sacrifice but i think you went a little over the top maybe if you put some liliana vess it would even out because it seems like every time a creature is put out it'll be sacrificed and nobody will ever actually win
oh sorry i wasn't thinking about legality but i got one in my garruk wildspeaker deck and its got a symbol on it i dont recognize and doesnt show up in card search its just an m with a circle around it is it the planeswalker symbol or what??????????
drop behemoth sledge and put loxodon warhammer then you wont have to worry about the green lands and you can/should put conquerer's pledge back
i love this deck, but drop it to 60 and add some canopy cover, raking canopy, reach, or something flyers and spells are very common but very well put together besides that
landfall for bloodghast maybe not as quick as others but i dont have to pay one life and i can tap it for two mana even though one is green its just as good also if there is a piranha marsh out i can put it in my hand and then make opponet lose another 1 life
what do you think about loxodon warhammer is it good or should i put in overrun
you're completely right i just saw +1+1 and assumed they were couters lol oh well
161-180 of 213 items