Thank you!
You may be right. This deck doesn't run much recursion, so it's likely not a bad choice. I'm sure there's room in the enchantments to drop it.
To be fair, I hadn't thought about Boseiju, it could be alright.
This deck is meant to 100% be glass Cannon. You lose to 1 counterspell. As long as your opponents are aware of what's going on, you will probably lose. But the best part of this is when they have no clue what's coming. You either win on turn 6, or you lose.
So, the reason that you don't worry about Urborg, or things like Library is that this combo is basically run off of just tutoring and playing things in an order. You make sure you have your reliquary tower before you cast Ad Naus, then the next turn, you play your Glacial Chasm and cast the Sickening Dreams to win. You don't want to hit anything but lands and maybe your sicke ING Dreams off of Ad Naus to mitigate the loss of life.
Devoid Commanders (if there were any) would have a color identity of whatever colors appear in the top right corner, still, or any abilities they have.
Yeah, but Glacial doesn't have any color identity, it doesn't tap for mana, and has no colored mana symbols on the card, so it is completely colorless
Incorrect. Read Glacial Chasm. And you can't add Angel's Grace because it's white.
Yeah, I think that's part of what I like the most about this deck. It isn't anything groundbreaking. It's pretty unassuming, but very threatening when it gets down to it.
Actually, to be more correct, I made a different version of this after Ikoria was released.
Yeah, I did. It's definitely quite fun. I don't play it a lot, but I really do enjoy it. It gets quite stompy.
Stirrings and Steel would be good. As for the others, I'm trying to keep it as close to tribal as possible.
Thank you! I'm hoping it will be. I think this is going to be my next build.
Thank you! I'm not sure how good it would be, but I was working with the concept, and it feels pretty strong.
Those would have probably already been around. Isn't Moon-Blessed just a copy of Heliod's Pilgrim?
Lol, nice. I'll see. I think the next one I'm working on is either 4c treasures or Orzhov Dungeon Delver
Most of my decks names end up as puns based on the commander/theme of the deck, really. I do like the idea of RG beasts though.
On an actual draft format, that would be ridiculous if you could get a couple fliers
I saw both these when they were spoiled and just wait "Now Waittaminnit"
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