
1,322 Decks, 169 Comments, 34 Reputation

I'd really like to be able to hit 2 of the enchantments, just so that I can hit both Riot triggers, or even more for things like Ghalta.

Posted 31 January 2019 at 01:51 in reply to #621738 on Gruul Stompy Aggro


Not as good as it seems. You don't get double charge counters for it, since the sacrifice is a cost for an activated ability, and since it's not a creature, you don't get double draw.

Posted 27 January 2019 at 08:45 in reply to #621668 on Teysa's Mechanical Army


I'm going more for the life loss. This deck is more about things dying. Marionette Master and Disciple of the Vault are my artifact-specific death-trigger damage dealers.

Posted 22 January 2019 at 17:49 in reply to #621502 on Teysa's Mechanical Army


This deck actually has a ton of synergy with Teysa, using the artifacts. Most of the artifacts in the deck have death triggers, especially mana production or artifact recursion. Then a few token producers, such as WCE. And the aristocrats thrown in, since with Teysa, it's super easy to infinitely cycle those artifacts. And worst case, you get a ton of treasures and win with Revel in Riches.

Posted 22 January 2019 at 05:45 in reply to #621502 on Teysa's Mechanical Army


Hah, thank you! I'm (generally) not a big blue player, so this was natural. I was going to run the mono-Green Selvala, but she's too expensive for my blood for a single card, and I figured Pir works almost better for Hydra tribal.

Posted 06 December 2018 at 01:57 in reply to #620243 on Pir's Hydras


All definitely good options. I am planning on building this for budget, though. It's a deck list for my fiancee, who doesn't play much, but I wanted to build something for her that she'd like to play that was relatively cheap.

Posted 03 December 2018 at 15:17 in reply to #620127 on Merfolk EDH


Another good one. I had thought about it.

Posted 01 December 2018 at 02:48 in reply to #620057 on Brudiclad Tokens


I'm assuming that you just mean 60 card deck, since Brudiclad isnt legal in standard?

Posted 29 November 2018 at 21:24 in reply to #620057 on Brudiclad Tokens


Oh, yeah, I missed that. Door is definitely a good choice for the slot. I also like Obelisk of Urd. All up to choice.

Posted 28 November 2018 at 18:31 in reply to #620008 on Alesha Warriors


I hadn't really thought of a sideboard for this deck. If I built it, it would most likely just be casual, so i'm not too terribly worried about a sideboard.

Posted 17 November 2018 at 22:33 in reply to #619721 on Counter Removal Unit


Yeah, conclave vs baffling was a hard decision. I think you may be right though, since this deck runs pretty low to the ground.

Posted 16 November 2018 at 21:40 in reply to #619701 on Aggro White Dinos


Cast Out isnt in Standard any more. I have definitely thought about 2 copies of Zetalpa, and a few copies of Priest of the Wakening Sun in the sideboard at the very least. Also thinking of replacing the Lancer's for Goring Ceratops

Posted 16 November 2018 at 21:00 in reply to #619701 on Aggro White Dinos


I'd love to, but this is just a concept list for now.

Posted 14 November 2018 at 21:28 in reply to #619624 on Maralen Group Slug


There's also Nightmare Recursion, which is really good for late game decks to make sure combo players cant get off the ground.

Posted 14 November 2018 at 18:22 in reply to #619624 on Maralen Group Slug


That's the goal. Personally, I hate getting combo'd on. The goal is Maralen t3, Sacrament t4, no more infinite combo.

Posted 14 November 2018 at 18:20 in reply to #619624 on Maralen Group Slug


I completely missed that I was supposed to have Mikey in there. And at least Spine.

Posted 10 November 2018 at 19:30 in reply to #619475 on Yahenni Sacrifice


Memnarch is only one win con. My favorite combo is actually Spine + KCI with cost reducers like Semblance Anvil to get spine under 4 mana. Just keep recasting Spine until there are no other permanents.

Posted 06 November 2018 at 02:29 in reply to #619332 on Memnarch Combo EDH


Not wrong. I'm usually a bigger fan of swiftfoot boots. I just dont know what to replace them for.

Posted 05 November 2018 at 23:19 in reply to #619332 on Memnarch Combo EDH


I just posted Krav and Regna if you wanna take a look

Posted 01 November 2018 at 16:37 in reply to #619185 on Khorvath's Rage


I mean, the LGS does do partners. This is just a project of mine for something a little different. And there is never a need to go out and flat out say someone's deck sucks, so yeah, he was way over the top. And sure, I was a too lazy to put up a description yesterday, but if you have questions, that's fine.

Posted 31 October 2018 at 20:26 in reply to #619173 on Pir's Rebellion


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