It's definitely a janky deck, and there is going to be a lot of hate against it, but as long as everything sticks, yeah, you can win around turn 5, I believe. Tried to keep some good removal here, and you have plenty of ways to tutor up your combo pieces, between forerunner and Masterminds Acquisition, plus some straight up card draw.
I was considering that instead of the Spinebacks.
I prefer keeping the Brave the Sands as my method to get vigilance, since I'll have a lot of tokens, and Always Watching won't give them the vigilance. Between Path of Bravery and Brace the Sands, it's a better combo for the deck.
I like using the path of Bravery as a sort of lifegain win-con. Just gaining a ton of life with the newly added Pridemates.
Can't use any of the puzzleknots, sadly, as they have their color in their color identity.
Elves generally need LESS land, since they create theory own mana, and that way you can clear it our faster to get your elves more reliably.
Yeah, I was half asleep when I wrote up the list, so half way through, I realized everything shifted.
Thanks! She's a bit of a price jump for me, but I have thought about cutting one or two of them in somewhere.
Sadly, since I'm doing this as a double tribal, there are none.
Definitely a fantastic idea. I know I could use a few more creatures anyway, but I know that I normally over-do it on the creature's and don't have enough removal, etc. So I need help figuring out the curve a bit more.
I have it. It's called Wall of Blossoms.
Ended up making this into a Rock (GWB) deck using a good deal of your suggestions.
I definitely appreciate it. I hadn't seen Wakestone Gargoyle, and that sounds like what I need.
Eh, I was tired when I named it, and decided not to make the obvious Trump reference
Not a bad option, I've always found most of the level-up creatures over-priced to get them to decent stats. At a 1/1 for 1, it's not too terrible, but having to pump so much excess mana into him when I have a decent tail-end to my mana curve makes me feel a little uneasy about wanting to add him.
I'd also like to get a Biting Rain/Languish effect in here, especially for the smaller creature boards that are out there now.
Thank you. I'm trying to have options for some decent single target removal in the side board, but the main board is built more to blast through as fast as possible.
I always appreciate ideas. I do want to toss together a Legacy zombie deck sometime.
I'm really familiar with the older zombie gods, but unfortunately, this is my standard zombie build.
I would, if they weren't nearly $50/ea
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