that all said i think i will swap in whip of erebos for attrition. I have been finding myself making that switch an awful lot with the deck anyway.
i have added my sideboard. thank you to everyone that commented. to puschkin, i have other means of gaining life. check again :)
sorry if this message is a bit late, as you understand i haven't exactly had much time for magic. to answer your question, the way the 'furnace is heated' is the deck speeds up very quickly, and then empties its hand almost immediately. now i have a few mechanics to draw me cards, but the options that black and red offer, while there is a lot of them, are often too risky in this deck. necropotence is amazing, but life is a precious resource so in this deck, it's actually bad. since i can expect my hand to be empty or close to empty most of the time, i included a number of hellbent cards. i might add more though, hellbent is an under appreciated mechanic. (as you can see it has been a while since i've updated this deck). i also made it so that my opponent will also have no cards in hand. this 'levels' the playing field, so it comes down to speed. and this deck is almost always faster. so if i can offer any advice it is to not be afraid of killing yourself if it means you'll kill your opponent first. also don't be worried about having no hand. rakdos has always been fast, that is why they gave it hellbent.i will try to find time to look at your deck, i sincerely will, but there are diapers to be changed so it might be a while. hope all is well and congratulations on your future little one! :)
there was a time when clamp wasn't banned, and so i still use it in those decks. if someone has an issue with it i just replace them with infiltration lens.'re both 10L lists, but i think if you want to learn stompy, you may as well start with the very purest form of it.
all right
well like i said, it can go off without a hitch, but when it fails, it fails hard. that's why i personally have never been a fan of echo. i invite you to check out some of my stompy decks. i think they'll help you get some ideas.
it's not bad for your first attempt, though i would have done it differently (because I have). mostly i worry about your excessive use of echo creatures, excluding uktabi drake obviously. it's a powerful strategy that can backfire horribly and leave you greatly slowed down, or lacking in board presence...both are blasphemy in stompy.
stampy is the name of the rogue elephant that bart simpson frees from the zoo in "bart gets an elephant". because the first stompy deck used rogue elephant and the creator was a fan of the simpsons, he named the deck after it. however, the creator of the deck incorrectly named the deck "stompy" with an O instead of an A, and the name has stuck ever since. some people think it should be called stampy, because that's the elephant's actual name, but the deck has always been called stompy. as for the connection with masques, that's just a set where a number of staples to the deck type come from.
if you're really going for an old-school stompy, you at least need rogue elephant (he's the deck's namesake after all), and Uktabi Drake can never hurt. i do really respect the fact that you have at least a grasp of what stompy really is. far too many people make "stompy" decks that anything but. :| if you want any other advice about stompy, just ask. i am a self-proclaimed master of the art. :)just don't call it stampy. think by the title of the deck you can guess what it's for. :)
i would also like to thank you for reminding me to update my deck. it's now up to date.
it works pretty well even without springjack shepherd out, but once i get the shepherd out (which is the point) it goes crazy. the deck is designed to spam the shit out of springjack, so you can easily get about 20-30 goats out at once. it's pretty funny.
slot cleared for aggressive mining.
just cleared a slot for hot soup.
the reason goyf is so rarely seen in stompy lists is because unless it's in the right kind of deck, it's really not very efficient. that's why you almost always see them in 10L lists, those decks put damn near everything in the graveyard.and why do you despise green? :(
hehehe, i'm glad you enjoyed it. a big risk with running any pressure deck is that the other players will figure out what's going on, and gang up on you. so sometimes, even though this is primarily an aggro deck, you need to play more defensively. of course, other times you need to push the offensive and go in for the kill. i guess that's most of this deck's skill, figuring out when to hold back and when to go all out.
You know...This deck could have a lot of political power in multiplayer games. Those enchantments can enchant any land, so you could make an ally and give them a genju or zendikon. Heck, with all my red generals you could usually give me an Awaken the Ancient. ;)
well...i helped a bit. :)
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