I could see pain seer working much better in this block with witche's eye. Ive been trying to make a build like that already. So far it doesnt seem to want to make itself happen, but we will see
agent of the fates is for board control and the ability to stall until I get what i need. he will also handle any of the minor bosses printed in this block. Im not that concerned with his ability. He also has 2 black symbols, which helps with gray. I hate cards like pain seer. you have to attack to get it to work properly, and this block has too much early game swarming to let a 2/2 do much. the point of this deck is to hold off with board control until you get one of the late game control mechanisms in place. Im ok with little to no card advantage because of the way this block operates. There really isnt much card advantage to begin with, and this deck is fast enough at controlling the board to deal with the faster builds (red and white for example) that win by swarming. Once it gets past the early middle game, I shouldnt have a problem
if that annoys you, click on another deck
rhystic study is worth considering, but in competitive legacy im afraid it will be too slow to matter early game, and by the time it starts working, the opponent will be able to pay the 1 and ill be without the cards when i need them. standstill is too hit and miss. if i topdeck it, thats pretty much game. i like avoiding font of mythos esk cards whenever possible. anything that benefits the opponent just as much, and realistically because it gives them 2 cards first it benefits them more, isnt worth it to me.mind's eye is definitely a good one, and ill think about it. sword of fire and ice is awesome for sure, but im only running 8 creatures, so i dont want to take a chance on it not connecting. well of lost dreams is too hit and miss. i only have 8 life gain cards, so i dont want to take the risk of it missing.consecrated sphinx is too expensive and vulnerable for me to rely on for card advantage. im ok with the 5 cost of jace or mind's eye, but 6 is another couple turns it sits in my hand like a brick. ive found that 5 is the biggest cost of a card that can be relied on in legacy, and even then its pushing it. as to why no jace the mind sculptor, this is already running some expensive lands, and he is just too much. otherwise i would love to have him
lets you draw 2 cards per turn, gives the grave fuel for the mage, and is a target for the opponent. control decks like this do much better with 2 cards per turn, and I should be able to get a few cards out of it before the opponent is forced to use an answer to finish it off. if they cant, I can draw big time or nuke their deck. its also an alternate win condition (decking them out)
lux cannon is pretty much exactly what a deathclock should be. it would work so perfectly with the other 2, as you can see in the synergy in the deck
its also worth noting that this is a bit of a budget deck
just adds a little utility cause it can stop a bounce/burn/kill/exile, and it beefs enough to make a difference if needed. its not essential, but with only 2 copies its not as big a concern. im sure you could get by without it
your deck is a little too inflexible, it could be kicked into overdrive. 4 hymn to tourach is an absolute must. a turn 1 duress and turn 2 hymn should be enough to win you the game. you are also really light on damage producers. the ones you have are conditional, and give the opponent time to rebuild and possibly steal the game. 4 phyrexian obliterators and 4 bitterblossoms are your best bet. they should both be enough on their own to win you the game as long as you can control the opponents hand. ultimate price is too conditional. switch it out for go for the throat or murder. your other sorcery discards cards could use some work.
gods willing only protects one. brave hits all my creatures. so I can use it to swing for game, or to stop a board sweep, or to block something big
I hate running less than 20. I would rather have 3 lands in the opening hand then have to mulligan and take a risk of a shit 6 card hand. 21 lands is enough to make sure I can lay a 2 drop turn 2, or play and equip the bonesplitter and swing for 4. plus, sun standard rewards you for having more lands, so if the game moves past the early/middle, you can pump up your guys for a legit midrange swarm rather than weenies
with 24 lands in a 2 color deck, fertile ground doesn't help you enough to justify a spot in here. your curve is pretty low as it is anyway. running 2 inquisition of kozilek is not going to be very effective. they will most likely be a dead draw after turn 7, especially since the opponent can stack the spell you want to discard if its an instant. if you want to make good use of it, you need to run 4 copies so you have a better shot of hitting it in your opening hand when it will do some serious damage. it wouldn't be a bad idea to run 4 inquisitions and 2 duress.
no worries mate. that's how it goes on this site
the problem with brow beat is that since the opponent has a choice, they can screw you over when you are in a tight spot. if you top deck it, they will choose the damage every time, which still leaves you top decking. ive lost games because of this unfortunately. it can definitely help you in many situations, but im afraid of the tight spots that blue control decks tend to create. char may not be as good, but I can plan exactly whats going to happen with it, and I know its a damage spell FOR SURE so I can balance it with the rest of the deck and control exactly how much damage I can meat out if need be.thanks for the feedback mate
crystal ball and thassa would work much better than witche's eye
boros reckoner and buried alive should be taken out for sure. winter orb and elixir of immortality should be sided. that leaves you with 14 basic lands, for 23 total, which would be alrightI wouldn't run tolarian academy or darksteel citadel, they are too risky for a 3 color deck without many artifacts. swap em out for 2 basics
ivory tower is the only card named tower in 4th edition, and it doesn't fit at all in here
im trying to stay with 4th edition. but this format could be played at the legacy level, or whatever you want really
4/22 son. lets run the math shall we. that's a whopping 18%a long way from 40%, which would still be a losing record anyway.you, sir, have just been "louis'd"
i would be ok with 2 shatter and 2 fireball
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