thats why im running icy manipulator. if mine is out, i can tap it and stop the opponent from drawing. if not, i can shut down a land or a creaure
and personally, i think tarmagoyf is overrated. its a brute that has conditions for its effectiveness. besides, im relying on huge but cheap flyers in here, and want to control the board until they start working. goyf would just take up space
i know the rest of the magic world is in love with remand, but i find it rather pointless. sure, best case scenario it stalls out the opponent for a turn early game or helps you squeak by with a win condition, but the rest of the time its just a waste of mana on both sides. as soon as the opponent builds up enough lands, say turn 7-8, then it becomes useless because he will just replay it and all you did was draw a card. I would much rather have negate to stop the removal and control aspects for good and protect my win conditions with it. similar problem with mana leak. ya, its great early game or late game when they go for an all or nothing play, but the rest of the time its just an inconvenience. I would rather have a solid answer that can be used regardless of the opponent's manabase. psionic blast is a wonderful tool because it can be creature removal and strait burn damage, and no one expects it from blue. especially in modern, which is far more creature heavy, its a great surprise control card.caryatid is in her for 3 reasons- 1, its a tri colored deck in modern. there will be mana problems. 2, its a control deck, which is always hurting for the mana to play spells during the opponents turn while developing your own field. 3, its an early game blocker and a late game chump blocker that cant be pinged away because of hexproof. decks that swarm early and then run out of steam will be decimated by a turn 2 caryatid because it will give me time to work up to complete board control, especially game 2 when i would sub in my nukes that it could launch on turn 3 because of its mana boost. whats even better about caryatid is that it lets me play augustin on turn 3, which will obliterate the opponent's development and give me the time to get board control.
goblin sky raider is too slow. if you have to resort to a flyer to deal damage, you are already done. skirk marauder is too slow to really be of any use. if you play him for the 3 on turn 3, you are more than likely slowing down your field development which is a must in a goblin rush deck.a few more 1 drops are desperately needed. you shouldnt have a game where you dont have turn 1 goblin. goblin guide, goblin lackey, and goblin bushwhacker are perfect.this deck would be souped up greatly by goblin piledriver. under the right conditions, he swings for 5-7 damage as early as turn 3 and is the perfect fling target.shock is no good, 2 damage wont be enough to solve some problems. you are better off with chain lightning. goblin grenade should go a long way too, as it takes you 1/4 of the way there for only 1 mana. an excellent way to finish. here is a goblin build that has worked well for me-
dig through time works against the other mechanics of the deck. if you pull stuff out, you wont have the material to snap and witness.also, you basically have no way to apply pressure mid game or finish the game in the long run. 2 phantasmal images most likely wont be able to get the job done by damage, especially when you want to counter their creatures in the first place. i would consider creakwood liege, as he can sit pretty and pump out tokens than you swarm after you have the conditions right. i also think 25 lands is a bit much. consider swapping 3 out for sylvan caryatid. i am in love with that card, it does everything you need in the early game. trip colored deck can always benefit from the mana production, and counter decks are always hurting for a spare 2-3 mana during the opponents turn, so that helps you big time. it also doubles as an early game blocker that can save you the 5-8 life that fast aggro decks rely on turns 3-5. plus, its hexproof makes it much harder to get off the your sideboard, i would run cranial extraction or memoricide over surgical extraction. surgical extraction relies on them getting it in the grave, and my suggestions dont really have conditions and can be player relatively early. plus, they completely bulldoze combos and win condition decks and can also dismantle the opponent's method for dealing with your combos and win conditions. basically any deck that runs black should think about 3 or so copies of cranial not sure feed the clan is the best choice. I know you want to play it twice and snag the 10 life (or maybe 20), but im afraid its going to be a waste of resources. the mages are precious in here, and they are needed for control to get rid of the opponent's board state. i would swap them out for go for the throat, as it is more likely going to save you the 5 life and be ready to snap right back and help again.just some thoughts. i like the build and love the decktype, ive made many myself.
im glad you liked it. i tried to work in ethereal armor, cause you are right, it would be devastating on invisible stalker. problem is, its a dead draw until late in the game and i dont want to risk it against faster decks and mid game powerhouse decks such as green and white aggro. that being said, i have made a deck that is perfect for ethereal armor. here is the link-
rest of em dont fit. obviously this deck isnt buildable, but my friends and i like to proxy blocks and alpha is absolutely ridiculous
ive been working through some sample hands, and traumatize isnt working the way i want it too. archive trap seems to fit the build pretty well, and it doesnt mess up the curve. thanks for the tip
he would be good in theory, but he is too expensive for what im trying to do here. a 5 drop will sit in my hand for at least 5 turns, more like 7, and im trying to pump out a creature a turn for the first 5-7 turns (after turn 1). with no mana accel whatsoever, i dont feel comfortable waiting on the 5 drop.
plus, i want as many forests as possible for dungrove elder, who owns the shit out of this deck. his hexproof basically limits the opponent to board sweepers, which they will most likely take too long to come up. if they do show up in game 1, i sub in caller of the claw and swing for game the second turn after they nuke.
since the curve is so small in here, i dont really have a problem with the 1 higher cost of fade. i would rather be able to deal with there thasa for sure. if the curve were higher i would go with naturalize to help with the consistancy, but as it is, if i side in 2 fades, that only brings the 3 drops and higher in the deck to less than 20 cards, so im not that worried about it
that it could, and i considered it. but the curve is so small in this deck that it realistically shouldnt need that big influx of mana. on top of that, if i draw it and only 1 or 2 forests off the bat, i wont be able to play the 2 drops and baloth, and this deck will fall apart if i dont get down a 2 drop and then a 3 drop and start swinging early.
ya, just theros block. which i actually find to be a pretty bad block. not much going on. boring mechanics. but thats just me. i would prefer to run 22 strait swamps over nykthos shrines for 2 reasons. 1- squelching leeches is the boss of this deck and feeds off the swamps. once you get out 5-6 of em it should be game over.2- there are just too many double black cost cards in here. i know the chances are slim, but doubling up on the shrines early game would mean i wont really be able to play much, and this build is a little slower as it is. i would rather have the sure thing.
im relying on the simplicity and speed of the deck to overtake the rest of the block, which i find to be quite slow
unfortunately, i cant put in raise the alarm because it isnt in the theros block. im ok with having 4 brimaz's because of his high profile for removal. basically, he is a big target, so even if my hand is clogged by 2 of them, im not to worried because i will either stomp the opponent to death with the one i have out, or he will remove it, and ill play a second one. and it just helps this deck tremendously. so many creatures spawned, and so much early game damage. turn 3 brimaz should be game over for this deck.
ghost quarter shouldnt work that well in a triple colored deck, especially when the land choices are already limited to modern, so you miss out on some of the better duel lands. serum visions seems like a waste to me. sure it triggers the sorcery qualification, but other than that it doesnt do much for you. snapcaster mage would work wonders in this deck. i might consider running him over delver, as delver is good early game but will probably run out of steam. they actually printed a better version of lightning angel. its called mantis rider. ridiculously good in a deck like this. crazy fast damage that is hard to is my modern scepter build
ya, research and development is a bitchin win condition in there for sure, but i would be afraid to run it too much because its a 5 drop if you dont put it on the scepter, so it would be a brick in the opening hand. ill give your deck a look
path is an interesting addition. ill have to give it some pondering. flagstone is an excellent addition. if its on the field when Armageddon goes off, thats game.
as mutavault is a land, and it only produces colorless, i decided to not put it in here. the whole point of the deck is to spam turns 1-3 with weenies and then drop the 4 drop land crasher. if it goes off, 9/10 times thats game. if it doesnt, i still have 6-8 damage a turn on the board in most games. its more important that i have a higher probability of drawing a land that will let me play something after i nuke than having another outlet for gravecrawler. if the only land i have is mutavault after i nuke, its basically useless.aether vial would be alright, but since i only need 2 land for 8 cards in my deck, and the rest take only 1, after i nuke, i would rather have the card advantage and take the chance of not getting a land than sacrifice a card spot to aether vial
i think cranial extraction should be a staple in black sideboards. it either dismantles combos of the opponent, or stops him from dismantling your combo. Either way, thats a game 3 staple for sure
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