what do u think
im confused as to the purpose here....i c the point and advantage of having more cards, but other than that i think this deck has some holes.....to much enchantment destruction and far too many cards...and what is the point of Final Judgment.....y not sub in wrath of god.....and y not some classic draw cards like howling mine and Arcanis the Omnipotent
perhaps try the tripple landand some of the doubles to help out
if all works the way it is supposed to the opponent can have no lands by turn 3 and then u will be free for the easy win
just saw the leechridden swamps.....but still....only 9 lands do u any good, nightmare is best used in an all black deck with only swamp lands
y is nightmare in here with only 4 swamps.....i know u have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in here and if they r played together then u have a huge and deadly beast.....bbut i think this is too risky a combo....if u dont pull hte land nightmare will be tiny or even dead
i know similar decks have been made before but i think i got it down to the simple idea of destruction pretty well
no coat of arms?.......they really help in sliver decks, check out my sliver deck prime coordinator
this is a very intiresting deck indeed, i think i might try and make a derivitive of this myself.....problems i c r that it might be a little slow....and u might want to add some pestulance to get rid of pesky critters.....excellent deck idea, bravo
good point
i know its a squirl, what i meant was i dont think it fits with the infitite tokens combo
i think thealextheory is trying to sat that u might want to fix the deck up a bit, perhaps pick up a few more copies of the good cards in here....and perhaps pick up some artifact lands as well....check out my artifact deck ferrum heart
if ur gunna keep the white it might be a good idea to put in some other black/white cards to help u out....like mortify, unmake, Deathbringer Liege, Divinity of Pride, Ghost Council of Orzhova, Orzhov Guildmage, Pillory of the Sleepless, Vindicate.....al would fit well in this deck and it will help u even out ur black/white lopsidedness......i like the idea for the deck though
i love the lifeline+Dingus Staff+ Æther Flash combo, very intense
y is kroson beast in here, it doesnt seem to fit.....it has threshold which relies on cards in the grave and u have many cards with flashback which causes ur graveyard to become empty, i also dont c how it fits with the squirl theme, please explain
check out some of my decks for ideas, and i promise that im not laying a smackdown on you, just trying to help
lastly, when making a deck it is generally better, given most circumstances, to put many copies of the same card into a deck to give u better chances to draw it. sence 4 is the max, excluding basic lands and relentless rats, 4 is a good idea for any card that u really want/need.....and then 2 or 3 for other support cards and the like. 1 is a bad idea because u will almost never draw it so it becomes efectively useless (unless u have a specific combo in mind that requires that u only have 1 card in the deck)........so cut this deck down, chose a theme, put multiple copies of the good cards in, work on the lands....and dont get down, magic is a complicated game and takes a little while to get good, the best advice is to check out tons of decks on this sight, c what peoples ideas r and how they take shape and present, and above all play, play, play.....only through trial will u be able to find out if a deck idea works
try not to put cards in a deck that dont fit at all, such as mind funeral in this deck......in a mill deck this is a fantastic card fo sho, but in ur deck it is a waste of mana and space.....other cards like this in ur deck r...demons horn, Sanctum Plowbeast, Copper Myr, browse, and Brainbite.....these might be good cards but just dont have a place in ur deck
another thing is the cost of the spells u chose to put in a deck, u run several very high level cards like Luminous Angel, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Sphinx of the Steel Wind etc. that all cost a ton of mana, and unfortunately u dont have the cards in this deck to put them in play in time to help u.....most decks will destroy u long before u can put down 8 mana at 1 mana a turn rate. consider the cost of the spells u put in a deck when making them. its ok to put the big boys in a deck if the deck is made to play fast mana or have other combos to put creatures into play that wouldnt normally be played easily
land choice is also important, in a 3 colored deck it is a bad idea to just run basic lands as u have no guarantee that u will pull one of each to be able to play whatever u want, try out some of the multicolored lands like Arcane Sanctum, Fetid Heath, Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain etc. these lands will help u be able to play whatever u want whenever u want to
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