excellent, i really like this theme, i would deff checkout wall of nets, quite a tasty card for the theme, and perhaps knock out wall of wood for steel wall, easier to play and a better blocker
first off, with 84 decks, u sir r a machine.....that pretty much blew me away.....moving on, this deck confuses me a bit, i think it revolvs around playing grinding station and decking out the opponent, buti dont c how u make it work efficiently.....mirrorweave seems important but what creature would u copy, please explain how it works....and y no Seat of the Synod
i couldnt resist a good wall deck
i really like this idea.....not sure how it will owrkin practice, how often do u get a hand that isnt 90%lands.....i do like that have lands that bounce other lands back so u can sac em, buti still think this might be a little to slow
u forgot ur lands my man.....i like this deck very much, i have a similar one, the brilliant loser, a suggestion for this would be to add Nomads en-Kor to ur deck, this will allow u to pass all his damage off to stuffy doll causing even more fast destruction, other than that this is very good
hmm....i thought sence they became every basic land type that if u imprinted a forest onto the lense and then played omen that all the swamps u control would become forests as well and then u could tapp them for anything that u wanted.....im not sure but i thought it would work
haha nate...very funny
quick way to play door to nothingness
nasty control deck, i hate playing it
y is Reckless Abandon in here....with so few creatures, and only 4 that will stay around for more than 1 turn it seems risky to include it
the land choice needs to be tweeked here.....with a 3 color deck u should try the double lands...in this case Blood Crypt...Godless Shrine......Sacred Foundry etc. this should help u get some consistancy in being able to play whatever u want, that mihgt help out
a quick way to play coalition victory for the win....what do u think
this decklacks a little focus.....also some of the classic artifact choices r left out like metalworker, darksteel colossas etc....check out my artifact deck ferrum heart for some ideas
so u get rid of all hte lands....and then deck them out?...im confused how thid deck works...i ge tthe idea that u rid the lands...buthow does that help
not really my style but im just trying to help my cousin out....what do u think....expecially the land choice
can u play time stretch and twincast in the same turn.....with no mana excell i cant c that working too well
Heroes' Reunion is a fantastic card indeed
i really like dthe idea of darksteel reactor and wanted to build the deck, what do u think
for the draw power u might want to check out browbeat.....for a burn deck idea check out mine....its called mustang mayhem
this is an excellent idea for a deck....i like it very much...do u have enough creatures to survive long enough to get the ball roling with the key things u need out....just wondering
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