the mechanisms r similar but the combos themselves r different
its all good
this is a work of art
swarm of goblins
there arnt many ways to play dragon tyrant, i wanted to let him have his time to shine
keldon marauders was made for infinite damage
ive used banefire a lot, it is one hell of a card if used right
whats up my man, i recognize the theme here, and it is a good one fo sho. replace force spike with either Mana Leak, Muddle the Mixture, or Disrupt....these should work better in here, and muddle the mixture can be transmuted if u need anything else. u should deff also consider isochron scepter in a deck like this, imprint that bad boy with orim's chant and this game is over. as my personal preferance i would take out jace and add Ancestral Vision. if u can get that off first turn u will get the replenishing effects on turn 5 when u really need them and if not it will really help a control deck in the late game. other than that this looks really good, check out my control deck ruthless oppression ormy isochron scepter deck hand of god. keep up the good work and hit me up if u want other comments
wirewood lodge has always intregued me
ant queen is insane, there r sooooooo many combos u could pull off with her
bounce and blast
if u want to keep ur large burn spells u deff need to check out Rosheen Meanderer. other things to look at would be dark ritual, Seething Song, rite of flame, bur personally i would pull out black all together, a strait red burn deck is absolutely deadly, it would also allow u to utilize Extraplanar Lens for some SERIOUS destruction. also consider putting in some blockers liek wall of earth and wall of souls if u still want to stick with black
whats up my man, u seem to have a bit of a mixed idea here, life gain is a tough deck to pull off if u try to mix it with other themes, as is stompy creatures. if u want to play a deck that needs to stall for time while u build up for some big creatures then u need to mix white with green in here, green is the only solution for most big creature decks, also this will fix many of ur mixup problems, green gains life as well, so if u still want to keep that theme in here then u r set, check out Oracle of Nectars, elvish piper, Explosive Vegetation, Rampant Growth for some basic ideas, just shoot me back and tell me what u think u want to do with this deck and i can help further
infinite tokens
i am a big fan of decking out tho opponent
ever sense i saw manamorphose ive wanted to make a deck out of it, here it is
i was going to build a regular kobolds deck, but figured this out half way now i will make the regular deck
build em up and slam em down
tap, tap , tap it up
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