Oh, I get it! Monty "PYTHON". Lulz. That aside, looks like an amusing deck to play. : P
You also need, I repeat, NEED some removal in here. Exalted is a slower mechanic, so you need the removal to keep the threats from building up or to keep from being chumped blocked or deathtouch blocked, or crap like that.
If you run life gain, you need rhox faithmender. If you run modern life gain, you need rhox faithmender + beacon of Immortality.
Cool. Thats what it looked like, but I wasn't 100% sure. I thought I missed something. Still, Pretty cool. If you get the time, could you take a look at my aggro enchant deck?
I like the lock down aspect of this deck, but I"m confused on the win-con. Is it through ping damage from the stalker and ninja?
I don't have any suggestions, but I do want to know how this did in a match if you have an update.
Only thing I feel I should change is to add gravecrawlers, for cheap exort recursion, and to replace the guildgates with another plains and swamp. They are too slow still for standard till the card in dragon's maze that lets guildgates come into play untaped is released. Good build though.
I know that its nice having another r/g mana source, but since R/G is a fast color pair, you probably need to change out the guildgates with Mountains or forests, or, if you have them, Kessig wolfruns, which can add for extra damage. Also, good man, WHERE ARE YOUR SWAGTUSKS?! XD
Good point. He should add some Swaggles' to this deck. It would give it more facepunch.
Don't use Hellraiser for Haste. Use Fevor instead. You end up attacking into horrible situations. And, since you are shit-spawning tokens, think about using battle hymn, and an X spell, to smash the other players face. It looks like a great start though.
Of course. Who needs removal when you have Swagtusk. Looks good though.
Ok, I'm sorry if these reads like a flame comment, but at the mention of Tibalt, I can't look at this deck. :P I'm sorry, but he's just the worst planeswalker ever printed.
Clever Idea. This is the first land deck I've seen built like this. Crazy.
Good god man. Why would you continuously lobotomize me? T.T
You are using enough counters to consider splashing black so you can use Corpsejack. If you do that, you should also use Dreg mangler, a 3/3 haste 3cmc. And, since you are running a green aggro, you need, I repeat, NEED Rancor. Good luck!
He's right. If you use this, you can remove the green from the mana base, making it much more likely to pull all of the cards in your hand to get the kill on turn two.
Ah! There ya go! Thats a great 2 drop that he's missing! And, from what I remember, its a 2 or 3 dollar rare now, so easy to procure. and the reason why I call devour flesh a sideboard card is that at my meta I have a lot of high toughness creatures in play.
I know mana leak is awesome, but if you want to play standard, replace it with either Syncopate or Dissapate.
In this deck, Devour flesh feels more like a sideboard card. He needs something that will let him dominate the board and hand early game, in the 2 drop slot if possible.
No problem. I edited my last comment with another suggestion.
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