You shouldn't have joint assault in here. You don't have any soul bond. Look up some red wolves. There are some that aren't werewolves, so you would be able to use kessig wolfrun and immerwolf, to help with the overall lack of power.
Ok. You have gavony town ship and Sorin, so why are you runing only 1 white source?
For 3 trepination blades, I"d remove your singletons. This deck is going to move way to fast for them to be able to make it to the late game. Night wing is another one that you should consider dropping. I'd fill it with 4 thought scours. From there, what you want to change out depends on whether or not you want to be a hyper agggo mill, or a slower contol mill. Good luck then.
Amazing! Now, I'm going to proxy it! XD
Ok. Replace the guild gates with its dual land, either drowned catacomb or watery grave, add in Trepination blade since you are running an aggresive mill, think about Jace's phantasm, dream twist, and though scour. I'd also consider Mindshrieker and Shriekgiest.
Consider Rancor! XD
Pretty much. You have enough colorless ramp that you can just change out the Eldrazi with any of the other colorless ones.
Yeah. He could replace both of the search lands with Terramorphic expanse and Evolving wilds, though with it being a mono colored deck, I don't know why he wouldn't just run 8 mountains instead.
*shudders* As if I needed a reason to hate ping creatures, you give them death touch. XD
WOw. THis deck truly is just a turn one fuck you. Lol. Now I want to make it myself! XD
Gather the townsfolk and intaginble virtue! I'd consider cutting 2 faith's shield for 2 more plains, since your casting cost runs up to 5 because of the Increasing Devotions. Nice human deck though.
Consider Crusader of Odric.
Fair point. Still, Good budget deck, specially for a casual environment.
Lol. I posted this before I saw that you linked it. I think that mine would out race your's in a duel, as I'm much more likely to draw my creatures and buffs before you can stall me enough.
No assemble the legion. Think alpha authority, or rancor. Infact, they should both be in this deck, plus some more creatures, turning this to Naya Enchantment aggo.
I'd replace the Exterminater with Rakish Heir, but thats just me.
I love how myr decks are extremely over powered, and extremely cheap. You should consider Well of Knowledge, plus a play set of the Urza lands. Look at them, at your deck, and mull it over. Look at Mirrorworks as well.
Good. Take a look at my aggro enchant deck, if you get the chance
Ok, while I love this deck, it has one weakness. Frontline Medic. Look it up, and find a way to kill it, fast.
Ok. Well, If I ever get the 500 bucks to make the deck, I think i will too! XD
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