Wow. THis is the first decent B/R/G Deck i've seen in standard. As I don't play those colors in combination, I don't know what to suggest, other than maybe you should take more from the R/G Aggressiveness and use the blue just to keep the opponent from being able to do much about the face smashing!
Ok. The things I'd recomend is to remove chandra, replace her with curse of bloodletting, and remove your harvester of souls for another blood artist. I'm going to also suggest that you replace the guild gates with Blood crypt, and get some Dragonskull lands from M13 to help with the mana. Looks like a fairly good Rakdos agro deck though, if more on the budget side. If your interested, I added a sideboard to my Flashback deck, so you can look at it if you want.
I'd consider splashing blue honestly. It would give you the Zombie captain that in standard right now, and would give you some extra board control. (If you decide to rate a deck of mine back, my flashyback deck is my current project)
Looks good. I was confused at first to as why Pheldagrif was in there, but after reading it looks really good! Nice EDH deck! My flash back deck needs rates if you got the time!
The only issue I see with this deck is not having enough mana. But it looks like it would be a pain in the ass to kill if it started moving. Nice deck!
Consider adding some more humans and Bloodflow conniseur to go with your Falkenrath torturer. Something Like gather the townsfolk would work in this deck.
Consider Essence Harvest to keep the life to pay for extra effects. Looks like a decent budget deck though. Rate any of my decks, but Rapid Rise. It has been abandoned
That does seem like a good idea!
Looks like a good budget deck. Since you only need to hit double costs on 2 high cost cards, I'd recomend just replacing the guildgates with normal lands. Other than that, great budget deck!
I had forgoten about that rule! *Facedesk* My appologies!
Why no sacred foundry? Other than that, really nice human boros deck!
I'd switch Odric for either Aurelia or firemange Avenger. You should probably also remove the gate oriented cards, as boros is fast beat face, and gates just slow that down. I admit, the vigilance is nice, but its not really required for this kind of deck.
DON"T SUGGEST SNAPPY! I'm well aware of him. :P I just don't have 80 bucks for a play set, if its not more at this point.
No problem! If I really did help that much, don't forget about upvoting my post! :P
If your going to have menarch, then you can't have any colored spells in the deck.
Lol. That sounds very time consuming. Think you could help me actually build a deck from that American pool that I had? I want to try to make a deck from it that would win FNM.
Sorry to say, but you can't use master of Etherium as your commander. He isn't Legendary. Consider Braids or Thada Adel for your commander, as they are blue artifact oriented Legends. Also, your lands can only be to produce Blue or Colorless mana, so no plains swamps or forests or mountains, the like. The land can only produce Blue or Colorless.
lol. Yet again another decent, but amusing conecept Dynathy! XDEDIT: Oh god. Reverberated Increasing Devotion. *shudders*
Consider Unwinding clock.
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