You need 2 more cards. Palladium Myr. Looks pretty badass though. Used it at an FNM yet?
Looks good. Consider replacing the Prominade with Isolated chapel, since you aren't using the shocklands.
If you run 4 of each, and have forests and the eldrazi land, it would be a good balance, since you could use the urza lands to pay all colorless for the game. Consider adding some Copper Myrs if you do this as well, to add to your amount of green mana sources.
Consider the Urza lands. 3 lands, if you have all of them in play, that produce a total of 7 mana. Great for Eldrazi.
Actually, think twice is quite nice in a mill deck, as it helps you keep momentum, and with consuming abariton, it adds to the spell count for millage. This is quite a nice build. I do think he needs 2 more dream twists, 4 thought scours, instead of guildgates, watery grave, and he should add 2 more mind scuplts. Honestly, when you run a mill deck, you can afford to be a little beefy, so I don't think that, after he added lands, he would be ok if the deck sat around 75 cards.
It looks like a good FNM Deck. I don't know what I would do differently. Maybe instead of evolving wilds, adding more duals lands from either B/G or G/U. Nice deck though.
Good man. Take a look at my aggro enchant if you get the time.
One suggestion that I can think of off the bat, with my limited construction knowledge, is to replace the guild gates with either sunpetal grove, or temple garden.
I'd switch 2 of the mountains for Thespian stages, to add to your count of dual lands. Sort of.
Alright. I can respect that. I hate tibalt, so I can't really take any deck with him seriously. :P Think I can get your opinion on my W/B Aggro Enchant deck?
Wow. THis looks like just an evil discard deck. I do wonder, though, why don't you have any of the lilianas in this deck? They would be an assest, considering that they are discard oriented.
Listen to him. He knows what he's talking about! Vampire nighthawk+Exalted=Raging Opponents. :P From Experience, Bro. XD
Cool. Thats a good deck idea. A deck full, as full as you can, of regen creatures, its almost like giving your opponents removal the big F*** you. :P Nice idea.
Ah. Skeleton deck. Been a while since I've seen one. I'd love to see this finished.
I like this deck, because looking though it, it embodies the orzhov syndicate in theory and in playability. Good build.
Evil Boros. I would suggest replacing the guildgate with either Sacred Foundry, or Thespian stage.
With gravecrawler, bloodartist, and G's Messanger, I'd recomend splashing white for some tokens and Cartel Arristocrat, turning this into a artist deck.
Ok, I'd suggest midnight haunting and intangable viture. You already have quite a bit of tokens, might as well go overboard with them! XD
Lol. Glad I was able to make you laugh. THink I could get you to look at a few of my decks? if so, thanks!
I don't know much about EDH, but I was pulled to this because I saw Cascade. You should consider the enchantment that gives all your spells cascade, to add to the craziness due to the way Cascade stacks. Why did you mark the deck as unloved though?
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