Well if your looking for budget decks, I have two that I built that you might be interested it. Minus the duals lands, which I just have in there because they are on color, the decks are around 20 bucks each. Take a look. They're the Red/Blue decks. Flash back and Krenko. Your boys might like them. I also have a W/B Aggro Enchant deck that might be fun for you guys to run too, and its another cheap deck.
If your going to use dual casting, consider Blistercoil Weird. Great synergy with the enchantment.
Try dream twists, thoughts scour, and trepination blade. Or Invisible stalker, Jace's Phantasm, and Tormented soul for evasion. Or put all of them in. they're just suggestions.
BURNINATING THE COUNTRY SIDE! XD You get liked just for the name of this deck! XD
Razz, if you red through it, the Phelddagrif isn't a that. Its proxying something else as he couldn't get the site to find the right card.
This deck needs draw. Add that, and this would be amazing beat faceness.
I'd recomened Adding another 3 of each of your lords, 2 more mountains, 2 battle hymns, and another raid bombardment.
You need a win con. With the mana walls you have in here, put in few different X cost spells.
Very much so.
Add the next 15 cards, and people will start helping.
If you need some solid removal, consider O ring or maybe Arrest.
The hero's remembered are proxied in as Heroes' reunions in this deck. For some reason, he wasn't able to get the site to see the Reunion.
No Problem. I created a Flashback theory deck that I want you to take a look at if you get the time!
Maybe sorin as he add tokens that have lifelink, has a decent emblem for a -2 ability, and the vamps would add to your keepers trigger point.
Ok. Where is your Exquisite blood? XD A must have for this kind of deck!
Try proxying shamble shark for The experiment. It wouldn't throw off your mana curve, and in this deck, it would evolve, A LOT.
Hm... I see +1/+1 counters.... and a Corpsejack in your future! Lol. But seriously, THis looks great. I know that one card is not worth splashing for TWO more colors. Consider adding some Bounce though, from things like Unsummon.
Consider Dreg Mangler or Experiment one for this deck. I think that they would both find a home here.
My suggestion would to be remove Nighthawk and Desecration demon, and replace them with 2 more death rites and 2 gnaw to the bone.
Ok. Think about Arrest instead of Pacifism, and think about Sign in blood instead of Rootborn defenses. Exalted decks have trouble getting the last few points of damage, and those cards would help you reach past that point.
441-460 of 592 items