
19 Decks, 1,441 Comments, 267 Reputation

Exactly! (what I said)

Posted 30 January 2012 at 19:55 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


nonono, You can cast Galvanic Blast and respond by animating three Inkmoth's for metalcraft (one at a time) and if the opponent kills one, you can animate another before Blast resolves(metalcraft takes effect when the spell resolves, or it constantly checks if there are three artifacts). I think thats a good example.

Don't Land decks play manlands?

Posted 30 January 2012 at 19:52 in reply to #230667 on Nutshot


Oran Rief the Vastwood would actually be great in this deck. It combos with Bramblewood Paragon, which is insane. 15 Forest brony. (I'm not a brony)

Posted 30 January 2012 at 09:51 as a comment on Elvish Tokens


White Sun's Zenith**

Posted 30 January 2012 at 09:41 as a comment on Solar Flare


They definitly can respond to Biorhythym being cast, with abilities such as "animating" manlands.

Posted 30 January 2012 at 08:58 in reply to #230667 on Nutshot


He's a great card. It has LESS vulnerability than most creatures because of indestructability. Don't think because he can be removed by O Ring, Black Sun (which should kill all your creatures), be bounced or sacrificed, that it's a bad card. It is an AWESOME card! (keep it)

Posted 30 January 2012 at 03:58 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Axel is right about one thing, it dies when it's toughness is lowered (though Gut Shot and Doom Blade, more common removal, don't kill it), and most creatures do ;)

Predator Ooze, gets very strong, and gets through since they don't want to pump it by losing a creature. Also, if they block it with an Inkmoth it would be a 2/2 then get hurt by the dead Inkmoth become 1/1 then 2/2, so as long as he gets big enough fast enough, infect does nothing.

Posted 29 January 2012 at 19:55 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


I can't really read what you're typing man. You don't end sentences, use capitals, or even type the full words ( e.g. "srry guy but dags rit"). Don't worry about it too much, but it'll be easier to consider any advice you have if people can understand it (the advice wasn't bad, but the deck is already focused on what it needs to do).

Posted 29 January 2012 at 19:30 in reply to #230688 on ~PTQ~ - Standard Mill


Birds are creatures, Birds get killed, Rampant Growth and Viridian Emissary (also a creature that gets killed) both search for that island. That new Dawntreader Elk would be great in here. It gets extra land and it's a 2/2 which isn't always easy to deal with (especially in today's standard with Gut Shot being used more than Shock). The Elk is more of a blocker though, just to let you know.

Posted 29 January 2012 at 03:15 in reply to #230290 on Yar be cursed!


"Ok, I'm going to give you some advice. Rites of Flourishing would excellerate draw and mana ramp at the same time. Mirror-Mad Phantasm and Phatasmal Image or some clone varient would make the Lab Maniac an instant kill thing... so 4 Lab Maniacs 1 Mirror Mad Phantasm 4 Rites of Flourishing and a couple Birthing Pods to sac the Mirror Mad Phantasm. Remove Essence of the Wild, Silent Departure and Mulch. Replace those with a counterspell of your choice, Beast Within and Tree of Redemption.... it will run loads better that way."

I honestly don't know what Birthing Pod would do for him, since his creature curve ends at 3. Mulch is key in this deck. The Mirror Mad Phantasm could work, but adding three more Lab Maniacs isn't worth it, it's best in sideboard. Essence of the Wild is either cast or brought into play with Unburial Rites, then he plays Spider Spawning (with flashback too) for tons of 6/6's. Splinterfright and Boneyard Wurm would also ETB as Essence, when there are no creatures in the graveyard, e.g. I think Rites of Flourishing would be good to try, but it probably won't be any good, since your opponent would win that race.

I think you could go with a Drowned Catacomb instead of 1 Woodland Cemetery, just cause of the Basics you already run.

Posted 29 January 2012 at 03:00 in reply to #230688 on ~PTQ~ - Standard Mill


Instead of Moonmist use Fog, and Valakut won't do anything without three more mountains.

Posted 29 January 2012 at 02:57 as a comment on -3


I just have idea's. I don't really know how to build mono green

Posted 27 January 2012 at 02:54 in reply to #228871 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


only darkstel citadel is legal

Posted 27 January 2012 at 02:52 in reply to #230468 on I accidently the whole deck


So with Etched Champion, you don't try to pump it (unless you have pest) do you?

Posted 26 January 2012 at 23:57 as a comment on I accidently the whole deck


Read discription. The deck needs thinning and manabase work.

Posted 26 January 2012 at 11:28 in reply to #230320 on Humans zomg


Overrun is for overkill. It's not needed. You could use rampant growth (to pump the Elder) and a real swamp for Dismember and Glissa. Life isn't always available. Predatory Ooze is very powerful in standard IMHO

Posted 26 January 2012 at 11:26 in reply to #228871 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Cut Cancel, Commando, and a Negate for starters. Dissipate is better then em all.

Posted 26 January 2012 at 11:20 in reply to #230240 on Dark Ascension Mono Draw


Curiosity is good with Invisible stalker if you want to try enchantments.

Posted 26 January 2012 at 00:24 as a comment on Dark Ascension Mono Draw


You should use Glissa the Traitor in the side board (Green Sun get's it into play). She's great against Wolf Run and she's very aggresive. Birds of Paradise can also produce black. Also, Primordial Hydra can't be tutored with Green Sun. Swiftfoot Boots is amazing with Vorapede.

Posted 19 January 2012 at 07:28 as a comment on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Underground Sea is brought into play by those Fetchlands.

Posted 19 January 2012 at 07:17 in reply to #223481 on 60-0 in 5seconds mill


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