
19 Decks, 1,441 Comments, 267 Reputation

Run a treasure mage brah! anyway... I FUCKING HATE THIS DECK! (because there's no forest, or even Tree of tales) :(

Have you seen Thalia in action yet? She's a brutal fucker!

Posted 08 February 2012 at 07:53 as a comment on Shenanigans time!


Pfft! I was actually gonna try out a spirit tribal after seeing the drogskol. Haven't got around to it yet, and I havent really been posting my decks to this site lately. When I do start posting again, I'll get you to comment, ok BBG?

Posted 08 February 2012 at 07:44 as a comment on Daydream Believer


You made a Morbid card, YAY (My fav Morbid card is Tragic Slip atm, and I'm about to get my playset with banana peels under the guy(s) feet, slipping into the grave.) :P

Posted 08 February 2012 at 07:21 in reply to #233071 on Dubs Hundred


You saw my question, eh? (just guessing)

Posted 08 February 2012 at 00:25 in reply to #233068 on Dubs Hundred


Whooooop!! Congrats!! Now Comment on my DKA decks (when they're up...in a couple weeks. I want them perfected)

White - Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (built my first mono colored edh with her)
Blue - Time Stretch
Black - Stinkweed Imp
Red - Chaos Warp
Green - Wellwisher
Multicolored - Glissa, the Traitor
Planeswalker - Ajani Vengeant
Colorless - Sword of Fire and Ice
Land - Odyssey Forest, print #1

Can you send me some customized sleeves some time? :P
Keep it up bro!

Posted 07 February 2012 at 23:58 as a comment on Dubs Hundred


If you splash anything, splash blue for Artful Dodge. Thing's insane in the right deck. This still isn't the right deck though.

Also, Increasing Savagery is not something to consider. Only thing you should consider that does anything like it is Hunger of the Howlpack, if you don't already have it.

Posted 04 February 2012 at 08:46 in reply to #232052 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


So I was running a Werewolf tribal for standard today, and I had Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist and Pyreheart Wolf in my deck. For some odd reason I decided to SB Grafdigger's Cage...It killed me.

Posted 04 February 2012 at 08:41 in reply to #230209 on Taxes


It doesn't stop Dredging.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 18:22 in reply to #230209 on Taxes


It's only banned as a general, but yeah, it's insane! You can still use her in the DECK.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 09:37 in reply to #228110 on The Grand Experiment


Where the hell are the Champion of the Parish'!? lol

I like the Fateful Hour addition.. too badthe Inquisitor Exarch can't target...you.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 09:31 as a comment on 100


I like The Blob at 2. 1 SB would be good against those decks it's good against (aggro and spot removal/board control).

Posted 03 February 2012 at 09:14 as a comment on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down



Posted 03 February 2012 at 09:11 in reply to #231822 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


I love you.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 05:40 in reply to #231822 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Undying is a great mechanic...I think you could remove Viridian Emmisary for it. I also think either Titanic Growth or Mutagenic Growth should be in here. If they don't block Young Wolf(Young'un (Un meaning Un-Dying) is what I call it) then they will take massive damage from the pumps. Also, Prey Upon could be a nice SB card filling the role of Gut Shot, if you do add Young'un somewhere, but that would also mean keeping the Emissary.

Posted 02 February 2012 at 00:07 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Probably not Increasing Confusion. Tracker's Instinct and Thought Scour are enough to add.

Posted 01 February 2012 at 20:19 in reply to #231580 on ~PTQ~ - Standard Mill


You're also forgetting that, in a creature based aggro deck (stompy), a distraction is a game changer, and since this already has ALL of the great cards in Dungrove, Stragleroot Geist (run four), and Vorapede, it can have another few good creatures that are pretty much unblockable!

I think Young Wolf would be something to try out in here aswell vito, and just to let you know, I know what you see is daq, but my username is DAGbaker :P

Posted 01 February 2012 at 20:15 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


Elbrus can be used in ANY EDH deck because it only count the front side of a flip card to check color identity. I'm throwing him in my Hanna Caw Blade/Prison EDH. I had a funny game with an Isochron Retard(Delay) out with Ethersworn Canonis and Celestial Colonnade. I eventually Slaver locked for some reason... :P

Posted 01 February 2012 at 00:46 in reply to #230606 on Thelon EDH


So what you're saying, CFirst, is that ALL CREATURES ARE TERRIBLE CARDS IN THIS METAGAME?! NO!!! This is a stompy deck! There aren't any cards that will be a dead draw because the opponent will be dead by the time he gets 5 mana! Day of Judgment will kill all but the Ooze. Strangleroot is obviously better because it comes out earlier...That's the point, but we aren't talking about how a completely different creature is better than an Ooze. Predator Ooze dogdes more common forms of removal. If vito suspects it won't be good against a certain kind of deck, he can side it out, but it's great against aggro and it's great against [most] removal.

Now, vito, Strangleroot Geist should be here. He's awesome. I think 1 more forest would be good to have and Wreath of Geists is a good SB card, potentially better than the Ghoultree.

Posted 01 February 2012 at 00:25 in reply to #230869 on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


nope...Considered it but no.

Posted 01 February 2012 at 00:12 in reply to #231136 on Elvish Tokens


Dawntreader Elk is not worth it in here, at least not for three. Cut one, cause it's only a grizzly bear.

Posted 30 January 2012 at 19:58 as a comment on Dark Ascension's Mono Beat Down


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