And sundial, just seems like a better utility orb. Friend ran that with basically this deck a few years ago and it was already broken. Now you can have 12 torpor orbs with hushwing gryffs lol. If you ever go blue in here trickbind does really stupid and unfair things even stopping your own creature etb abilities and blue gives access to hunted phantasm. But its pretty trim as is, those just suggestions lol.
Tis basically another utility torpor orb
Ugh i hate that i keep coming back to this site; why are you not running sundial of the infinite? This deck was a thing years ago
Perhaps swan song/beast within for control which also helps out defense of the heart when you need it to? Or forbidden orchard iono i just like that card, gonna go cook up a homebrew with defense of the heart right meow
From playing twin i feel that grim lavamancers are better than purphoros in this this deck; they sneak out under most hate since theyre a one drop, and direct 2 damage exactly where you want it unlike purphoros. Also perhaps a mix of snapcasters and perhaps peek instead of the sages, a lot more versatile and running serum visions on top of that will insure no problems having what you need
Joke? Actually asking, not trying to be rude
Also price check not complete without blue fetchlands lol
Remand then remand then remand
No tutoring, basically no interaction with other decks or control, just gut shotting that combo hm.
Thats kinda nonsense but its a solid looking deck. Kikki jikki and snapcaster would be even more nonsense imo
Cool homebrew
Agreed, +1. Mean mean mean. I think that you could really use dismember as the endall creature combo killer, or beast within would allow for destroy anything when coupled with abrupt decay. I like ancient grudge overall, but krosan grip seems it would be better in here, split second and all. Adding fetchlands could probably let you trim down the farseek/explores while buffing goyfs, but looks really fun in general!
In my opinion this is a very strong deck, very versatile and looks like it will stack up well against most of the good top decks in modern. I would recommend in the sideboard ghost quarters over the tectonic edges, it can cut out land combos turn 1/2 that tec edge cant hit. Also i would recommend leylines of sanctity in the sideboard, perhaps even voidslime, trickbind, avyn mindcensor, even a crucible of worlds would be good.
Llanowar reborn is the safest way but trades off on speed it looks like, occasional turn 1 no mana dork may be why
You nefarious bastard, how well does it do in modern tournaments? Rug shell is pretty mean, only thing i would recommend might be beast within in case a combo deck cheats out something unfathomably difficult to deal with. Also i made a simic version of this which is much more consistent on the combo search but doesnt have nearly as much leeway for control if youre interested in checking it out!
So game 1 early emrakul or blightsteel and control until you go off, then game 2 sideboard into twin?
Would you mind looking this over? Was so impressed i tried to make this combo deck even combo-ier!
Ah thats true sorry wasnt thinking lol, not infinite indeed, maybe not pyromancers. But regardless, aurelias fury is a bad spell with 20 lands, regardless of battlefield thaumaturge or not. Against control it might work; ping elspeths tokens for free, 1 to elspeth and then 1 to player, but it most cases it seems bad here, you just dont have the mana. But maybe your meta is different, whatever works i suppose!
You could add young pyromancer to increase the flexibility a bit, perhaps taking out aurelias fury? With 20 lands it wont get used for more than 2-3 at the max. Young pyromancer also gives an infinite combo with battlefield thaumaturge and launch the fleet which is pretty fun, and it can be returned to the battlefield with tethmos. Also there should be stronger heroic activators than teleportal in my opinion
I concur, athreos should really go in an aggro deck since deicide is a card now, perhaps try something like this? filthy with voices and judges familiar
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