A singleton trade routes seems like it would do really well here and costs like thirty cents, but thats just my two cents lol
I concur, but not with the caryatids part
Bur you need izzet charms like, desperately haha
Well weve been seeing different reanimator decks haha! Is white necessary? It gives paths and elesh norn and that flashback reanimator, but makes the turn 1/2 griselbrand draw out the deck attack 3 times or emrakul sac your lands. Oh dur white would be reanimator control, whereas griselbrand/emrakul is instant reanimator. Interesting, kinda like this combo version though, looks fun
Possibly rancor
Interesting. I like it
Boros charms somewhere perhaps
Possibly two for two smiters to the sideboard? Theyre both beast 3 drops but both get abrupt decayed/mortared/sphered/verdicted all the same. Cant be countered seems a little bit for against control specifically but theyre both good
Where the eff is brimaz at haha
This is mazes end, are there any unimportant gates haha? More appropriate gates makes sense though, but just as much as basic lands imo
That would seriously change the deck. At least i think thats what i meant, wrote that awhile ago
Looks fun, but also looks like sylvan scrying is necessary. Finds the right land, which is basically turn by turn responsiveness in modern. Also perhaps commune with the gods since your enchantments look like the win con
you are not casting a spell, simply activating an ability=no heroic trigger indeed
indeed, decks that dont actually work rarely make it onto the mtg top 8 list haha
Jk all of the 2 black mana symbols in your sideboard are fine lol
Don't play black
Your jund feels like it's missing some und
No problem, only brought the voices up because my last deck was naya with strionic resonators, and even getting three tokens at once rarely led to a voice beat down haha; obviously they're OP by themselves, themewise turn 2 control turn 3 boon satyr flash gives you huge board position. Best of luck with it
Voices are very bad in the meta right now, last breath and anger of the gods are seen a lot. Perhaps boon satyrs for the flash? Iono, looks fun though
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