It might change the deck a bit, but Orim's Prayer could work. Just a thought.
Wow, that is a truly hilarious way to beat someone, nice job with your deck. Bleeding the opponent to death is exactly what B/W is all about!
Nice deck, commented on it.
O_o Talk about a god hand. That would be amazing. Just think, if he isn't blocked its a 14 life point swing.
Haha true, Bitterblossom by itself is great! What I mean is Teysa essentially gives all my tokens a free regeneration (plus they will be a removal threat once they get "killed" and become white), but you already knew that. Unmake and Tidehollow Sculler are situational cards, I'll put them in the sideboard for use against indestructible creatures and combo decks. Perhaps Castigate is a better combo-killer than the Sculler, I'll have to try both out. I really appreciate the help, and I'll be sure to check out your deck.
Good idea! I might playtest it and see how well it works. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ok, added two AEther Vials because the decks I played at my local shop the other day all had counterspells. Vial goblins can't be countered, so hopefully that will help.
Thanks, I appreciate it! Marton isn't a very good card for this deck quiet honestly. First, he costs 4 mana, which would throw my mana curve. He isn't a goblin either, so I can't use Instigator or Lackey to get him in play. Maybe he'll find a spot in another deck. =)
No sweat man, since you commented I've been thinking of getting some Recruiters for Vintage play anyway. =D
Great deck, but Chandra seems out of place. As a one-of she'll be unreliable at best. On top of that, this deck is balls-to-the-wall speed aggro, a 4-mana plainswalker just doesn't seem fitting. Maybe the playtesting will suggest otherwise, but I question Chandra's value in this deck. Check out my goblin deck: Deck link:
Siege-Gang Commander would be a great card in this deck. Warren Instigator can cheat him out and he gives you four creatures that have attack power less than 3. Check out my Legacy Goblin deck: Deck link:
Ha, nice deck. Treasure Hunt is such a fun deck to build around. Check out my Legacy Goblin deck: Deck link:
Haha, yes they are! You're right about the lands, this deck runs like a dream with 18 mana sources. Having 8 creatures that "cheat" in the higher-cost cards in my hand works wonders. This is one of the reasons I don't need a ton of mana, I never cast Ringleader or Siege-Gang. I just use Lackey or Instigator to cheat them in. Goblin Recruiter is a great card, and you're right about how useful he would be. Unfortunately he is banned in Legacy, which is the only format I play. :( Thanks all the same, I really appreciate the advice!
Some more advice here man, run a few Pyroblast in the sideboard. I got beaten at FNM because of a Merfolk deck that ran Chill, if I had the Pyroblasts it would've given me first overall. Just a thought, this might only apply to my meta.
Congrats on the front page man! Again, I highly recommend Gempalm, perhaps you could swap out the Wardrivers for them. Also, I use straight Mountains in my goblin deck because I need my lands untapped in order for the mana curve to function correctly. Just a thought. :)
I'll be sure to check it out!
Thanks for the help! I think that an Edge of the Divinity on a first turn Nip Gwyllion is even better than on a Nightsky Mimic, because you have a swinging 4/4 lifelink second turn. Actually, Edge of the Divinity is good on pretty much everything! I'm not sure how Blodthrone Vampire would work in here. If I ever put this together, I'll be sure to test that out. Right now I own only about a quarter of these cards. =(
Thank you! :D
Why not go mono-red if there are only two black spells?
Thanks for the comment. I'll try out the War Strikes like you said, I have a few of them lying around. My only concern is that it can't target creatures, which shouldn't be a huge problem. To answer your question, YES. Rarely does a red player get access to card draw, let alone burn and card draw all in one package. What makes this card special is that its a creature dedicated two-mana Goblin War Strike that lets you draw a card. Here is a scenario where Gempalm really shines: 2x Mountain, Gempalm Incinerator, Goblin Lackey, Lightning Bolt, Goblin Piledriver, Flame Slash Mountain, Goblin Lackey, pass the turn. (lets say your opponent plays a forest and a Llanowar Elf to chump block your Lackey next turn) - This is where the Incinerator comes in. Should you use its cycle ability, your Lightning Bolt, or your Flame Slash to kill the Llanowar Elf and get Lackey through? This hand doesn't have any higher mana creatures, so that extra card is important if you want to really make Lackey useful. Here is what I would do: Mountain, cycle Gempalm Incinerator which takes care of the Elf, hopefully you will draw into a Siege-Gang Commander (or Goblin Ringleader) which goes straight into play. Now, with 5 goblins in play you are all set up to play your Piledriver turn three, then take out anything you opponent plays with the Bolt and Slash and swing for lethal turn four.
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