It's super nasty. Every time he busts that deck out, we all cringe. That is, unless I am playing my Torpor Orb deck. :)
OK, here is how my buddy's deck works:I think the main low cost combos in the beginning to get cards in order and mana out are:1. Augury Owl2. Coiling Oracle3. Birds of Paradise4. Cultivate5. Green or White warden for life gain if you want (I don’t find it that useful until later when you can bounce a lot of creatures in and out and get a bunch of life)Then more mid game stuff is:1. Primeval Titan2. Acidic Slime3. ThragtuskEnd game is getting enough mana to cycle:1. Wrath of God or FInal Judgement2. Ghostway3. Eternal Witness X 2 to pull back the wrath and ghostwayAnd of course the anytime utility cards would be:1. Cloudshift or those type cards2. Right of Replication3. Other Titans that have ETB effects that you like.
Check out my Bouncy Castle deck. That is my Warped Devotion deck that my playgroup hates. :)As for the creatures, I'm not too worried about them since Waste Not will be giving me tokens more often than not (especially with the random discard). Rogue creatures can be handled with the Diabolic Edict's. And Spell Snare can take care of any 2 drop that might be coming my way. Any fast aggro weenie deck will have it's way with this, but against other decks this has a fair shot. Even if I get down pretty low, if I can get at least 2 Liliana's Caress' out, 1 or 2 burning inquiry's can kill your opponents.
I do not have any blink decks, although I play against one in my play group a lot. One of the interactions that he uses:Play 2 Eternal WitnessesPlay Ghostway to remove all of them and then play Wrath of God to destroy all creatures your opponents control.Then when you creatures come back at end of turn, The Eternal Witness will trigger and you can pull back the ghostway and the wrath of god. Rinse and repeat every turn. If you have a soul warden in your group of creatures, you gain life for all creatures coming back in. I will see if I can get my buddy's decklist. It's pretty insane when it goes off.
Also, what do you think about Restoration Angel?
Boom. Now we're cooking with fire. :)
I would change the land base to this:4 Cabal Coffers2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx16 SwampsYou will be very happy with the mana ramp you can get with Coffers and Urborg.I also second the idea of adding Virulent Swipe instead of Necrobite if you want deathtouch.
This deck is screaming for Strionic Resonator. Being able to copy the triggered abilities in addition to cloudshifting, is pretty nuts. This makes Oblivion Ring perma exile a non-land permanent. The copied ability will not allow the exiled permanent back in.Energy Storm seems forced here, unless you have problems with flyers and direct damage. Seems like a perfect sideboard card to me.
Other ideas:PiracyDrain PowerMana ShortThe first 2 allow you to tap other people's lands for mana. Drain Power is better in that even if they tap their lands in response, but they don't play an instant or pay for an ability, you still get the mana from their pool. Piracy also works to at least tap their lands, however, they can tap their lands in response and add mana to their mana pool and you won't get the mana. However, it is a ruse anyways, since you want them to be tapped out. Mana short can be done as an instant and at the end of their turn, so you are guaranteed to have them be tapped out. Of the 3, drain power is the best for this deck.
K, if you want good 1 drops that fit your theme, here you go:Judge's FamiliarCursecatcherDelver of SecretsSage of EpityrKraken HatchlingAlso, here are some good morph creatures you could add:Exalted AngelQuicksilver DragonRockshard ElementalBlistering Firecat
It's a crap shoot. You don't have much to play until turn 3. I would maybe think about other utility creatures, like Man-o-war and fog bank to protect you early on.
prolly force spike
What about powersink as a counter option? If he doesn't pay the mana to save his spell, all his lands are tapped from the sink.
Other good options:Seht's TigerWall of OmensArchon of JusticeGalepowder MageDuplicantSeige Gang CommanderMurderous RedcapDuergar Hedge MageOtherworldy JourneyIsochron Scepter
Also, awesome catch on the morph/cloudshift ruling. When objects change zones they do not remember their previous existence, so you get the card face up as though you cast it from your hand. Not too shabby.I would also recommend Karmic Guide. A nice way to get one of your creatures back if it was killed earlier.
Yup, that's what totally happened here. Well done sir.
Here is my take with red splashed:
Even if they have more than 2 cards, it still equalizes since the cards are discarded at random (which increases the benefits of Waste Not). I think that this gives more win options than Gravecrawler does, since it cannot block. We're going to disagree on this, but I do know how to make decks that work and do well. And normally, you wouldn't play this until you had 2 of the discard damage enchantments out (Caress or Megrim). It's a powerful card with all players being effected by it. This would be a must add for me, especially since he is running Underworld Dreams. If the Dreams were not in here, then this would not be as effective since I would rather run pure discard.Hell, even Blightning would be hella good here too if red were splashed. Think outside the box a little. All I was trying to say was that adding red would get some good interactions with other cards. Staying Black Blue is fine, but I feel that Black Red with the Blue Splash for Spell Pierce and Snapcaster is the way to go. Just my opinion.
Since this deck is not going to win with attacking, I would sub Burning Inquiry for Gravecrawler. Waste Not will give you creatures if you need them. The way that inquiry can swing the game with multiple opponents is too powerful for 1 mana. It's easily splashable by tweaking the mana base a little. With a Lilian's Caress in play, 1 mana to have each opponent losr 6 life is a pretty good card for 1 mana. If you have Underworld Dreams and Lilian's Caress out, it does 9 damage to each opponent. In casual, that's fantastic for 1 mana.
Please tell me how Burning Inquiry is too slow? Tell me what other spell that costs 1 mana that forces all players to draw 3 cards (underworld dreams likes this) and discard 3 cards at random (liliana's caress likes this)?
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