Noted. I have been looking for a way to get some draw in here (whether it be Skullclamp or Slate of Ancestry) but they never fit what I wanted. Temple bell seems pretty good and I agree, who cares if they draw since they will be taxed. Added 2 instead of the overseer. Thanks for the suggestion.
Exactly Zaklax.Rathox, check out the Legality column here:
What is not? If you are talking about the legality of the cards you mention, check out the cards on this website. It will tell you which type it is legal in and whether it is banned or restricted.
I use Deckbox for all of my trading needs. I have successfully built decks all from trading on that site. I can input my tradelist and wishlist and it will find people who have the cards I want and who want the cards I have. It's pretty sweet.
Other good ways to get devotion:Underworld DreamsWhip of ErebosAnd my fav, Massacre Wurm
Ha, this is my favorite deck to play in that it is the most lethal in my multiplayer play group. Usually, once I get to play 1 Gray Merchant, it's all over as the life swing in a 3-4 player game is pretty damn high. Thanks for the like. :)
I have a very similar deck (not as budget friendly), but some of the thigns I would recommend would be Crypt Ghast and Divinity of Pride. Also, the utility of a Vampire Nighthawk is also very powerful.
Excellent suggestion, added 2 of that guy.
I agree, he is a beater. I opted for Steel Overseer instead for pumping of all my creatures.
That's why it's a challenge. :)
Tolarian Academy and Tinker are Banned in Legacy and Restricted in Vintage. So only 1 copy of each.
How about a deck that uses Norin the Wary? I've always wanted to try to make a deck that uses him, but never could find a good way other than his ETB triggering other stuff to happen. This can be for either multi-player or 1v1, dealer's choice.
Good point indeed.
Let's face it, there is a lot of artifact hate that would destroy this deck. It happens to most decks out there that rely on one type of card to win (all creatures, all enchantments, etc...). You just hope your opponent doesn't play with those types of cards.
It's a good thing I don't play against opponents with Shatterstorms, Kataki, or Energy Fluxes. :) This is a casual deck that I would play with my playgroup. If they ever started using those kind of spells, i would add some removal, but I'm not too concerned. Thanks for the heads up. :)
Yep, I don't have the extra cash lying around to spend $2400 on a playset. :) If only...
I do like the Myr, but I think at this point, I would rather have the Semblance Anvil reducing all of my spells by 2 than have a creature that can add 2. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Urza lands would be faster, but outside of what I wanted to do with this deck. Getting as many artifacts out as possible makes Mycosynth Golem work better as well as powering Metalworker, Forgemaster, Tolarian Academy etc... So I think I want to keep the mana base where it is right now. Mindslaver would be fun, but I have no tricks to use with it. So not sure I want to add that at this point. I do like Cranial Plating and will see if I can fit it in. Thoughtcast will be interesting now that I have the Tolarian Acedemy which gives me Blue mana. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot as to whether I will have blue mana.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look at these and see if any of them fit.
The problem I had with the comment was that you posted a full deck as a suggestion. That's not what this site is for. If you had specific cards to make it better, that's one thing. To come in my deck and post a tourney level deck is not right. I could go into any deck and say, if you added moxes and a black lotus, it would be better, but who is actually going to use those cards in a deck? Not many people. Thanks for looking at the deck, but if you wanted to build a better deck, create your own.
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