This is my most potent deck. It wins 80-90% of the time in my play group. It has evolved over time and is very hard to deal with once it gets going. Being able to play a 3rd turn Massacre Wurm is just silly. The bomb in this deck has really been Gray Merchant. Ever since doing a sealed deck in Theros and pulling two of those, I have loved that card. It single-handedly can swing the board especially since I play mostly multi-player games.
I have the reputation in my play group as "that guy". I can only bust this deck and my warped devotion deck out once a month, for fear of losing my friends. As "douchey" as it is, it is pretty damn strong and effective.
I appreciate the kind words. :) I have found that in a casual setting, a 1v1 match is this deck's bane, as there is little early game action. In multiplayer, where I am not the sole focus, this deck can do really well. I love trying to use odd ball cards to good effect, it makes deck building fun.
Horseshoe Crab + Hermetic Study would be a nice substitute.
Thanks for the awesome suggestions! Didn't realize Balance was banned, so took that out for Spirit Bonds. Removed Raise the Alarm and added in Spectral Procession. I love the Conspiracy combo too, so added that in and removed Murder Investigation. That works super well with Ophiomancer too, every upkeep you get a 1/1 creature of the type you choose with Conspiracy. Also, makes Mikaeus even that more powerful since some of my guys are Humans. :) Just realized Conspiracy and Rotlung Reanimator is bonkers. Everything is a cleric and each cleric that dies makes more clerics. So much fun.
You could use Urza's Bauble or Mishra's Bauble the same way. Plus, they are a hell of a lot cheaper than the fetch lands.
Excellent idea. I've never thought about Demonic Consultation, I think that would be a great add.
Here's a similar deck I made based on the same concept, and is really effective:
Maybe Eladamri's Call to be your creature fetcher. It's an instant which makes it real nice.
What about Chord of Calling instead of the Primal Command? Would be nice to pop that off at the end of the opponent's turn to get your herald, so you can use it the first turn.
Seconded. :)
How about Sun Droplet? Seems to go with the drinking theme and the life gain theme.What about Everflowing Chalice or Chalice of the Void.
No Prob. However, I am failing to see why Supreme Verdicts would screw up the sphere of safety mana tax. I need them to protect myself if I don't have the enchantment shields up. Since I have so few creatures, it does not affect me much.The card you are thinking of is Arcane Laboratory or Rule of Law.
Oh, I am well versed in the control lockdown decks. Statis + Winter Orb was quite the combo back in the day. I have been playing since Revised came out. People hated playing against those kind of decks. I loved making them though.
Great comment. I made your changes. Seems more fluid. Thanks!
Cathar's Crusade would be a good add, since all goats see all other goats as they enter and they all get really big really fast. Cloudshift would be good to add as well, since it allows you to instantly blink the shepherd and get more goats.
I have a very similar build that works pretty nicely. Take a look.
Good idea, added 2x Supreme Verdict
Planeswalkers have loyalty counters on them. You remove all of them, it dies.
Some cards to ponder: Culling the Weak, Diabolic Intent, Victimize, Rescue from the UnderworldOtherwise, solid deck.
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