
474 Decks, 430 Comments, 79 Reputation

Two of my favorite things, Boggles and Pauper. That's slick AF.

Posted 21 September 2018 at 16:25 as a comment on Pauper Hexproof


Thank you. I've been having a lot of fun with Pauper. Lower cost, and the card pool really gives you some interesting problems to solve.

Posted 21 September 2018 at 16:23 in reply to #618061 on Infect Pauper


Still open to suggestions/adjustments Basically anything mono-blue or artifact that relies on getting damage (or combat damage) through is good, especially if it's on a creature with 1 power and or toughness.

Posted 19 September 2018 at 14:50 as a comment on Tetsuko Heist


Seems Etrata is likely to be insane for Commander.

Posted 19 September 2018 at 08:58 as a comment on Etrata Vanishing


I wanna follow this, as a friend of mine's got a Fungus deck on the go, looking for inspiration to help him improve it.

Posted 17 September 2018 at 02:34 as a comment on Stowaway your Slimfoot


Maybe. Or even put in Gravecrawler.

Posted 13 September 2018 at 17:24 in reply to #617855 on Black Death


Viscera Seer is nice to have as a backup. Maybe Memorial to Folly as a 1 or 2 of, but I'd give up at least one Bog for that.

Posted 13 September 2018 at 15:20 in reply to #617850 on Black Death


Made some tweeks here. Geralf's Messanger is one I had forgotten. Lots of these cards were just cards I have and was considering doing something different with. Yahenni is a beast so I decided to use that rather than the other legend. Much better curve now. Fetches would be good but are real pricey for something I can generally get a trigger for anyway thanks to sac outlets and expendable guys.

Posted 13 September 2018 at 14:21 in reply to #617850 on Black Death


Neat deck but drawing sample hands I find it's hard to reliably get a Forest on turn 1.

Posted 13 September 2018 at 11:00 as a comment on Pauper Land Destruction


Only other thing I'd say is you should probably be closer to 26 lands with that curve, including Blue Sun's Zenith which you'd rather cast as a 5 drop+, maybe get some duels in there as well. Go down to 9 of each Basic and 8 two colours, including Drowned Catacomb, and Sunken Hollow or Watery Grave if you've got the budget. That aught to smooth out your access to those big casts. You'll of course have to make some hard decisions about what to pull.

Posted 13 September 2018 at 08:37 in reply to #617820 on Exhuastion


Nice concept. Maybe consider Tragic slip as another removal that's hard to get around.

Posted 12 September 2018 at 18:05 as a comment on Jodah Commander


I like that you're using bounce with Forced Fruition. You could probably do more bounce and less counter tbh.

Posted 12 September 2018 at 17:17 in reply to #617820 on Exhuastion


I like the idea, mill by draw, which is hard to prevent. A bit worried they'd just pitch a card that cycles their GY, but not everyone would be prepared for that. Pretty cool.

Posted 12 September 2018 at 15:03 as a comment on Exhuastion


It's not totally fool-proof though as you can cast an instant speed artifact removal in response to isochron scepter activating. It's also obnoxious.

Posted 12 September 2018 at 11:30 in reply to #617808 on SILENCE! I KILL YOU!


I suspect it's because many cards interact with graveyard making this potentially valuable in a meta sense.

Posted 10 September 2018 at 13:11 in reply to #617751 on $30 Infinite Burn Combo-Pauper


I'd never thought about using AP to get Ninjitsu off, that's super friggin' clever. Makes me wanna run a deck with a bunch of high value creatures with a downside, and Ninja's, plus some sac spells such as Rite of Consumption and Altar's Reap.

Posted 08 September 2018 at 09:17 as a comment on Abyssal Persecutor


It's having fun, I'll say that, the pricetag is much higher than I'd like for how well it likely performs (not Tier 1). Still, puts out some beefy creatures quickly, and as long as you can stabilize life above 5 or so, and not get milled out your opponent is doing work for you by causing you to lose life, or mill cards.

Posted 08 September 2018 at 08:56 in reply to #617721 on Jund Flip Dredge Retrace


Thanks. Was someone else's deck but I tuned it.

Posted 07 September 2018 at 09:27 in reply to #617712 on One punch


Something like this would be pretty consistent. 26 land probably seems a lot but 5 of 11.5 cards should be land to get a 5 drop on turn 5.

Posted 06 September 2018 at 10:59 as a comment on One punch


consider Gut Shot.

Posted 06 September 2018 at 08:48 as a comment on One punch


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