
474 Decks, 430 Comments, 79 Reputation

Started out Warriors, but I ended up tearing it down and going with just ETB's cause that's really where Alesha shines.

Posted 28 November 2018 at 18:34 in reply to #619975 on najeela


I like it, maybe drop the second Take Up Arms (vault error most likely) for a Door of Destiny?

Posted 28 November 2018 at 17:59 as a comment on Alesha Warriors


Another great card for you (you inspired me to build a similar deck), I stumbled upon Savage Beating, it's so good for this tribal.

Posted 27 November 2018 at 22:15 in reply to #619975 on najeela


Hero's Blade, and Blackblade Reforged are other great examples of Equipment that will really beef up your commander for very little cost. While Blackblade Reforged has a higher equip cost it really has staying power since it scales as the match goes on. Since Najeela wants to swing, you might as well optimize her swings. Make sure they all count.

Posted 27 November 2018 at 20:00 in reply to #619975 on najeela


I like it, Warrior Tribal is my jam. Have you considered some of the really cheap equipment options to jack up power and toughness? Like Tenza, and Obsidian Battle-axe, and Grafted Wargear for example. There's others that equip for free, or at least really cheap.

Posted 27 November 2018 at 19:00 as a comment on najeela


Recent revolation for evasion. Get Final Parting, Filth, and Urborg. Use Final Parting to put Filth into your yard, and Urborg into your hand, play Urborg, swing.

Posted 25 November 2018 at 15:48 in reply to #619856 on Ramos, value engine


So there's a record of these thoughts

Final Parting, and Filth, combo with Urborg for dumb

Might consider Gifts Ungiven it's probably better than Blue Sun's for you since Blue's only a splash and UUU is gonna be unreliable. And now that you've got other things you WANT in your yard, say with Gifts Ungiven at least you could make two piles one that has Filth and Dictate or Mikey, one that has Gravecrawler and Urborg. It's a rough decision for anyone to make.

Posted 24 November 2018 at 16:59 in reply to #619911 on Grimgrin - EDH


Some more cards to consider here.

River Kelpie
Puppeteer Clique

Persist becomes "won't stop fucking coming back" when combined with Undying. So they just get dumb to swing, or sac over and over.

Adaptive Automiton
Metallic Mimic

You've got lots of lords and probably don't NEED more, but they do fun stuff, Metallic Mimic has a kind of non-bo thing going on with Mikey, but it's funny that he ALSO makes the above Persist creatures infinite if paired up, probably a hard pass though with such a conflict with one of your major players.

Herald's Horn
Door of Destinies
Vanquisher's Banner

These are all pretty much "must have" tribal support, including a bunch of extra draw, cheaper casting, and potentially massive +/+

Eldrazi Monument

is an interesting choice too as it makes your entire board Indestructible and Flying and is basically a Lord, it is super easy for you to feed with tokens or Gravecrawler or whatever.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier

Another badass Zombie legend, would make a fantastic commander if you went mono-black (not saying you should tbh, the blue is doing some HEAVY lifting and I love Grimgrin). He's good though, fun interaction with Mikey especially if you've got an easy to recur guy.

Geth, Lord of the Vault

What an arsehole move this guy is. Zero chill.

Posted 24 November 2018 at 13:22 as a comment on Grimgrin - EDH


Haste is not to be underestimated following a board wipe or even to get a beater going without a chance to remove it.

Posted 23 November 2018 at 17:22 in reply to #619856 on Ramos, value engine


I love Thrun, but... I'm tempted to swap my entry now. Merchesa is so very swingy.

Posted 23 November 2018 at 08:48 in reply to #619823 on EDH Deck Building Competition


Herald of Secret Streams, it's strangely good for you. As is Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch

Posted 22 November 2018 at 10:33 as a comment on Ramos, value engine


The trick is always gonna be, "does this threaten me enough that I need it removed?" Because while there's some great spot removal, it's just that, you don't have the luxury of clearing the board.

Posted 21 November 2018 at 23:44 in reply to #619823 on EDH Deck Building Competition


A fun and well protected Voltron, with the Fight Mechanic for creature removal, plus a good handful of removal creatures. Thrun will be swinging ASAP, and has funny interactions with some cards (like Hot Soup and Berserk, since he's hard to get damage onto when he's unblockable and hexproof, plus he can regenerate even if that's not enough).

Posted 21 November 2018 at 18:33 in reply to #619823 on EDH Deck Building Competition


Why not...

Thrun wants to fight your commander.

Posted 21 November 2018 at 17:32 as a comment on EDH Deck Building Competition


I always loved Doran, but yes, this is an indisputable truth.

Posted 21 November 2018 at 15:37 in reply to #619815 on EDH Stomping Walls


Made some tweeks, particularly Rite of Belzenlok as my source for big beaters mow. It's a bit slower but goes super wide and has trample.

Posted 21 November 2018 at 11:56 in reply to #619786 on No Upkeep, No Problem


Be a real shame if I killed that lab-man :p funny deck to play for a "gotcha" though. Probably worth the $20

Posted 21 November 2018 at 09:46 as a comment on $20 Win Every EDH Game Turn 7


Yeah, it's a common trick for Polymorph type cards. Trick your way to exactly what you want by only having that card as an option, and using a token as the target.

Posted 20 November 2018 at 23:10 in reply to #619786 on No Upkeep, No Problem


Thanks. Thinking of changing the name to "angry boggles"

Posted 20 November 2018 at 19:40 in reply to #619781 on Really Angry Boggles


Fungal infection is a solid card, often it's removal, it can always be a simple token generator, and sometimes you get both at once for {B}

Posted 15 November 2018 at 12:42 as a comment on The Saproling Swarm


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