
474 Decks, 430 Comments, 79 Reputation

I like it, any reason not to include an Ajani's Welcome or two?

Posted 06 February 2019 at 09:28 as a comment on Lumbering infinity


1 Trigger alone is probably enough for Ghalta, but yeah I get it. At the time I made the comment I didn't realize you can gain the benefits of Riot more than once/creature. Consider it retracted. I've tried a similar build out on Arena and wrecked with it lol.

Posted 31 January 2019 at 09:40 in reply to #621738 on Gruul Stompy Aggro


I love Gruul Spellbreaker and Rhythm of the Wild. I'd consider dropping to only 2-3 of the enchantment though. This would let you increase the amount of legendaries you have or add something else in a 1-2 of slot.

Posted 30 January 2019 at 14:46 as a comment on Gruul Stompy Aggro


I like the idea, but I think you need to blend about 10 cheaper ramp dudes (3 and less CMC like wood Elves and Arbor Elf that deal with land, I'd also add Elvish Rejuvenator ) and really big removal dudes including Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, Worldbreaker, Woodfall Primus, maybe even Sunder Shaman and guys that make the game harder for everyone else like Ruric-Thar. Skip the guys that are JUST beaters. Maybe a few beaters like Thrun, the Last Troll because he's so hard to remove.

Posted 30 January 2019 at 10:08 as a comment on Congress of the old Ways


That's fair, I run a deck with no land destruction but run Burning Earth because in my meta there's LOTS of depenedance on non-basics, and I run VERY few that produce mana.

Posted 25 January 2019 at 18:30 in reply to #621541 on I HATE Commander


I like the idea of any cards you can feed to the yard for some additional benefit. I haven't really explored madness fully here either.

Posted 24 January 2019 at 19:22 in reply to #621569 on Lord Windgrace


burning earth?

Posted 23 January 2019 at 02:45 as a comment on I HATE Commander


Honestly it doesn't win every match, but what it does do is flip my bad matches. Usually I play a sort of aggro that does well vs other aggro and mid range, this can struggle vs aggro but does alright vs midrange and embarrises a lot of the sort of Izzet Control meta that usually makes my main favorite cringe.

Posted 07 January 2019 at 16:07 in reply to #621210 on Golgari ETB Standard


I'd consider Dusk // Dawn as well, that said, overall Arcades, the Strategist is better than Doran, I WANT to like Doran more though.

Posted 05 January 2019 at 23:35 as a comment on Doran, the Siege Tower EDH


Recently tuned up a bit. I think this works better.

Posted 03 January 2019 at 14:37 as a comment on Red Hot Steel


Secrets is black specific.

Posted 03 January 2019 at 11:00 in reply to #621087 on Golgari ETB Standard


That's kinda clever. Lots of chump blocker types and token generators into a Westvale Abbey flip could be dominant.

Posted 03 January 2019 at 10:44 in reply to #621016 on Augmented Commander Rule


"Bad lil" gets back ETB guys. Suggestions for what to run in place of what? Like a lot of this is sorting/digging, some of it's
removal and I'm planning to play on Arena, so no board, meaning rec sage is solid. Would do SB if going with real cards.

Posted 02 January 2019 at 17:24 in reply to #621087 on Golgari ETB Standard


Good catch on the stone, I actually made a mistake with that and thought it was something else. The rest will stay in mind of future adjustments as it's largely just more money going into the deck. If the sweeps turn out to be not great they can as you say move into SB, with other more practical cards going to MB.

Posted 01 January 2019 at 13:43 in reply to #621059 on Midrange Budget dragons


I know what you're saying but it does push the budget up. I'll make a note of it for my friend, could make a good sub for Mizzium Mortars if she wanted something with more speed and versatility to hit face rather than late-game potential to board clear.

Posted 01 January 2019 at 10:58 in reply to #621059 on Midrange Budget dragons


Elbrus, the Binding Blade could be good fun.

Posted 01 January 2019 at 00:14 as a comment on Augmented Commander Rule


A 7/4 haste on turn 3 (maybe even 2 with a turn 1 rock), is ugly. Especially since it adds two 3/2's attacking when you start swinging it, and you WILL start swinging it ASAP.

Posted 31 December 2018 at 18:16 in reply to #621016 on Augmented Commander Rule


Golgari is my jam, and this could get silly. I like it.

Posted 31 December 2018 at 18:14 in reply to #621014 on Augmented Commander Rule


I like what you're up to here. I'd consider maybe Boros Charms to protect your tokens and pyromanchers from wrath effects, and just maybe get a kill shot in.

Posted 30 December 2018 at 02:08 as a comment on Modern Mardu Bushwhacker


I for sure would love to see some of the stronger ult planeswalkers with green in their identity running Doubling Season, The Chain Veil and other loyalty boosters and retriggers. Would probably be mad strong.

Posted 28 December 2018 at 19:45 as a comment on Augmented Commander Rule


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