i would like to say if your decks are just a compilation of single copies please don't post them cause there isn't anything fun to watching decks with single copies try to plan what you want to make out of this deck or ask advice but not this please
keep it to 60 cards man allways better leviathan isn't that good except maybe in stall games (would be reeeaaaly long game) or with transmuter you hav eway too much high cost creatures that will cause problems and after all your creatures are a bit random and i think there should be more mill in it
there are way better cards than entangling vines, naturalise is a sidedecker absolutely not a main decker ^^ you just have waaay too much fog spells in a fog you must play abit of mil (especially howling mine and fotn of mythos or jace) creature removal is in some cases better than those fog spells. and btw you really need some mass removal dude , WoG, DoJ i know very expensive that's why they have cards like rout ^^
haha : p and no hippo i don't think you said that allready ? : p but i think magic just has multiple play aspects tournament play : i like that format cause i ve allways liked to win >.< and because i like the challange to try to be smarter than the others, i like strategy and i like to test myself and since the guys in my town here are so rediculously much better than me i lik eto test my strength and get better against them (they are all around 20 years old O . O ) fun play : it's just amusing to make decks , themes ,try being creative, not picking the best cards but th emost fun cards trying to build decks around your favorite cards. an di think both are very amusing , often tournament players dislike fun players and call them noobs, and fun players call tournament players nerds : p but i think both aspects of magic are beautifull and should be respected.
the talismans could better be signets or borderposts and ineded paradox haze maybe sigil of empty throne but i don't know it owould be for th ewin only anlightened tutor is a verry goo idea and demonic tutor and cards like that some fogspells could be good
but seems a fun theme and i think people shuld learn how to read they give comments without knowing what your deck's goal is
4 pendulums and add some wincons like sphinx or another card caus eyoudon't really have a wincon
ok but now with 40 card syour deck isn't legal anymore just so you know^^ and if you found out the combo on your own it's really nice dude i never saw it before +1
th eoldest combo ever and yes indeed soooooo tiresome if someione ever pulls that trick in front of me i shoot him right between th eyes but still well look your only way to remove -1 counters is quillspike and he will be eating removal i don't think anyone would leave you a chance to play it or would instantly destroy it. i don't see why you play crumbling ashes cause it will kill only your own creatures slourish defences is too slow and blowly infestation will only place 1 counter on opponent. so i don't really see how this deck would work out. try to do some research on -1 decks there are plenty of them even those who include the infinite combo. you just need to play the -1 control a bit dfferent
what dknight just found here is just genious no matter if it's fun or not i don't think that you would one day come up with such an idea (if you do please let me know) this proves he has great knowledge of the game mechanics so don't say this is a waste of time cause this decks maybe makes people reshuffle but it makes people laugh too! so it IS actually helpfull we don't even care if this deck is legal or just playavble on th ekitchen table it is like a joke to your friends just to see their faces and then you continue with your tourney deck so if you judge this deck useless and waste of time, well go spend your time to something you judge usefull btw dknight is one of th eusers (if not the user) with the most decks most of em are fun combos and that is what makes magic beautifull the diversity of formats and playstyles so let people have goddamn fun
haha dude genious
if you need that many colors you must have at least 24 or 25 lands 21 isn't enough at all mana acceleration could be good elvish piper maybe? i don't have much experience with dragon decks
are you a fan of meshuggah ? : p and demigod decks are fun and yours is verry well built congrats
oooow sorry i didn't notice i thought only 4 cards were left i don't know how i came to think that >.< and lol at Ledif for who magic apparentlt is a job. if you don't have fun playing magic why do you play it anyway and winning on first turn can be fun especially when you see the faces of your friends when you pull that trick off. and what do we care that ante cards are banished into oblivion it is fun and i think dknight had a really good idea dknight if you invented this on your own well really i'm impressed you are a genious +1
well yeah i didn't know you dropped the legendary rule and btw i read on another deckthat you said all my comments were crap i never posted a disrespectfull comment unless the user of the deck had his deck named 'dick'or something like that ciao
cause the rules say if you can't draw a card when yuo have to you lose the game if it's not the case and the como really works well that's reeeaaallly cool
i don't think you can win cuase you HAVE to draw 7 cards and if you cant draw 7 cards you lose th egame
play one with nothing it makes you discard your habnd to speed up uour combo
yo shoudl take out some legendary things if you play 4 of alegendary card you can get into problems
you are mixing too many things and you don't have enough mill just take out all th emill and fidn a good wincon make it a blue control
161-180 of 250 items