lol all best and competetive decks get rated down on this site
yes absuolutely counterbalance and divining top would be awesome since you weill be able to counter allmost anything and arrange your top deck to counter or have you card you need
yet another random pile of cards why do people post these things show us what you want to make of this , so people can help i mean this is senceless it's just a pil eof red and blue cards.
not enough discard you won't get th eenemy without hand and its a bit too random if you want discard play blightning, blackmail, duress and such cards
replace path to exiles with something else early game they acceerate you opponent run only 2 sphinxes and how do you activate luminarch without fog with all the aggro around these days
random piles aren't new all new ones have them it's normal but please then don't post them at least post what you want to make of it so we can help
don't isnult people for being dumbasses not everyone is familiar with the metagame but peopel shoukld tthink twice before posting YOU NEED THAT!! looks lik ea decent deck allready tested on fnm?
beastmaster's ascension is misplaced here you don't have abnough token generators at all you only have 1 carsd that can make a creature to polymorph bitterblossom or other token generatirs that generate each turn are good just as in protheus staff decks
ok so first of if you are facing a control deck you are sooooo losing second aggro will be much too fast for you ok so lets watch what you put in it steal artifact i skinda useless in main sidedeck it cause if the opponent doesn't play any arti's you are screwed and will have dead draws you don't need bounce but counterspells i like the way you try to steal all the opponent has but its too slow tro to add some more speed
hmm mana ramp ocould be really helpfull in here bbut i can't see what kind of mana accelerators exist in W or R
cool theme and well worked out i love changelings +1 only maybe limt coat to 3 and since you have manty lands that come in tapped don't play aqueduct
both dreki and hak are right on some points but i really think sorin should be kept in with all th efog decks coming u p now he will come in handy and it's an over all good card vampire's matchup against jun dis teeerrrible like we all know and 35% plays jund so yuou should consider other removal than doomblade doomblade is the anti baneslayer weapon i would keep it to 3 bloodghast and use vampire lacerator instead of guul draz vampire cause waiting till opponent is beneath 10 isn't that good vamp lacerator is a 2 for 1 even if he sometimes will cost life you should deffinitely plkay 1 copy of mind sludge in main and 1 in sideboard the card just blows out your opponent s hand and can make you win th egame max out the vampire nighthawks you can never have enough of those i think they are some of the best vamps in standard an dude don't listen when people say duress doesn't fit! cause with th econtrol decks coming up they can ruin your game with a DoJ duress is excellent and should be a 3 or even 4 of so + 4 or3 duress +4 vampire lacerator +1 vampire nighthawk +2 crypt of agadeem +2 sign in blood -4 guul draz -4 doomblade -1 tendrils of cor. -4 vamp hexmage i made you run 22 lands cause vamp decks even run 25 lands nowadays! tendrils isn't that needed here doomblade is a sidedecker against baneslayer you can main it on tournamenyts but be carefull for jund lacerator is better than guul draz cause of the speed hexmage is side against ascensions but you can main it instead of lacerator cause it's a good card sign in blood is needed to recover after a blightning that's why they play it i'm not a vamp specialist but this is what my research showed me hope i can help you but really search some vamp decks and you'll see ^^ ciao and good luck
just search something better than voracious cause if they destroy it you only have disadvantage it deffinitely is a bad card
not bad you did good improvements although some cards should be maxed out and some are not needed in here it's a good deck +1
you must not concentrate on bala ghed bala is just a card to ensure the opponents hand disadvantage when you have set up so he can't for example DoJ you
yes that's why i liked the deck because i didn't know you could mill with other colors than G/B and what's good too is that it doesn't only rely on milling you have some big creatures to win th egame on another way and it seems a really fun deck to play and indeed i saw directly the combo (that must be reeaaaaally fun to pull of) of lord of extinction and altar of demebntia. the guy sitting in front of you thinking shit he's gonna crush me with that lord , but you sac it deck him out and say it's your turn : p. and he loses and i think some removal would be good and maybe a card like damnation killing opponent's creatures and saccing yours to mill him out in case some of your friends play heavy aggro
i would remove bloodbraid cause it hasn't got anything worth cascading on unless you're going to play blightning what i would really recommend since you will destroy the opponents hand and you will be able to storm in with your biggies without any resistance. allso elvish piper would indeed be good
riley is right relying on such a card so you can use all teh rest this means if you can't draw it you have a bunch of un usable cards and dead draws, if for example you'd get blightninged you will allmost not be able to catch up anymore. allso you don't have enough mill mill must go reaally really fast if it wants to be good thi smilling is too slow you will die rapidly cause you are in range of aggro decks so more mill cards, maybe some walls or stall spells and forget the idea with shifting skyes although that's how i would do it .
o n turn 5 !
won't happen he gives it shroud you shuold maximize the cards that gov eshroud and use that card ehm ui dunno th ename that makes you win th egame if you hav ea creature and land of each color prismatic omen+transguildar courrier+ (that card) = instant win
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