to play magic decks you don't own download lackey ccg you can play free magic online against many players and about the deck well the wincon is too slow allso you should have more defenses aaaand your artifacts areeasy to remove akroma's vengeance vampire hexmage againts reactor you should consider playing colors there is an ouphe creatures (cant remember the name ) it's an U/G it can dubble the amount of counterso on a permanent should make things go faster
too many randomspells focus more on the important spells
well first of all what do you want it to do cause this is random? in standard you need to be fast an dagressive and you need response to jund B/U can in no way fix that for you the idea of your deck seems to be disruption and defense till you drop a fatty well i think you ll need abyssal prosecutor to smash an opponent down allso archive trap is a card in the middle of nowher here it's senseless. theree's not much you can play but mill, black and blue are just a bit dead in the current format...
if you wanna go bounce i'd choose control allies over aggro allies
maximise path ajani vengant is a MUST for this deck elspeth isn't creatures are too random focus a bit more around teh important ones why harabaz druid? it's useless better play birds of paradise unless you are going for allies luminarch should be in sideboard against control but since those decks are rare in the format it's a no go dude if i was yu i'd just go aggro zoo man it's soooo much better
eldrazi is just a dead draw in here once ascension is active you win th egame anyway so why waste mana and angel material on eldrazi? allso makindi shieldmate ? wtf as only ally? there are enough good defenders you'd better be running 4 baneslayers and if they are above budget you'd better run 4 wall of reverance your probem majorly is you have alot of creature support but no creatures worthy of it and the angels are only late game and don't even NEED boost conclusion remove all creature support add blue and play fog spells and counters and walls of denial and choose other wincons
ant queen and othetr token generators needed allso eldrazi isn't what it was anymore
too much randomness not enough tactic
1. too many spells and not enough xcreatures 2. not enough early game 3 tome scour is useless since it's the only mill together with nemesis 3 lilliana is useless jace is better 4 treasure hunt instead of ponder 5 more early game defence and removal to win ime for the quest 6 no spreading seas that's all for th emoment
nissa's chosen is useless without nissa so or get nissa or remove it maximize the wolfbriars put deadly reclus in sideboard nature's spiral isn't needed 4 times get som emore ramp in it mold shamblers could be good lotus cobra if yu have money maximize garruk
the infinit edoensn't work you have 3 dubblings, you cast sprout swarmit resolves it puts a token puts a token in play and one extra for each dubbling season too late to tap them for convoke so yuo can't cause the spell is allready off the stack allso buyback has to be paid when you cat sit not when it goes to th egraveyard you should read cards more carefully this combo doesn't work but apart from that it's fun to play but try using polymorph it's more secure than staff
i think th emajor problem is you combine burn and mill mill isn't effective when used in small quantities it just isn't enough an di know you use isochron but isochron is too easily stopped (null rod) for example allso ball lighting doenst fit in a 3 color deck his cost is waaaay too heavy and allso uquite useless in combination with mill. and yes there is an enchantment in shadowmoor i think that makes all enchantments uncounterable and indestructible and about what you wanted to make nuisance engine isn't good enough at making tokens and using thopter factory is too risky maybe but then i'm talkng about something never tried before you can make a rebel deck summoning many rebels rapidly (strong on itself) and use quicksilver fountain (sicne the abilities don't need white mana) and day of the dragon as wincon it would be somehing liek turn 1 rebel turn 2 rebel turn 3 fountain turn 4 fetch rebels til you have thinned your deck enough to go for the win and transform your rebels in dragons without risking a lose when they are destroyed since rebels build up faster than any other type
this is gonna be a popular idea allthough too fragile selectiv ememory i sunneeded here really and if quest doesnt work you are screwed so seriously drop the selective memory seropent of th enedless sea spreading seas and add some changelings
it's really goo dto have someone on this site that has interest in tournament play there are not that many tournament players on this site there are more casual fun players here
but its fun you took it frther than standard
a deck like this is called eldrazi green it's nothing new
no anti token should be like this 4 engineered plague, 4 volcanic fallout 4 infest 4 damnation 4 wrath of god 4 rout stuff like that : p
you are a bit wrong my friend in tournaments and multicolored decks this is a perfect match but try facing stax or a mono colored deck and you magus of th emoon won't do a thing and bloodmoon neither sure they are goo cards but not against all decks so beware of that cause they dont completely lock down and this deck is a known tournament deck known as all in red fun deck but not allways as effective
reef pirates is totally useless here and anthroplasm is cool but a card like morphling would be way better or quicksilver dragon, guile somethi,ng with evasion and shroud or protection from removal cause if th eopponent removes it you are fucked you know and there are several ways to get through counters so a shrouded wincon reef pirates should be replaced with drawpower or speedbump so ophidian, or phyrexian ironfoot steel golem or other big artofact that can guard the field or even plumeveil dominate is useless since it will cost you too much to control a creature so replace it with some more draw you dont have enough draw cards like fact or fiction are th ebest draw spells so use that one capsize is a one off since it has buyback so run 3 boomerangs and 1 capsize treachery i think it's called is a better controlling spell than confiscate since it costs 5 and makes your lands untap when it comes into play allso you need defense against attacketrs my favorit for that is propaganda but there are other attack lockdowns too
if what you want to do with this is what i think you want to do with it... it doesnt work countering epochrasite with annul wont bring him back with counters it will send him to the grave and you will have wasted it cause it hadnt come into play yet
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