
28 Decks, 254 Comments, 2 Reputation

lols forget coat of arms why does everyone think it's that great? it isn't really and door of destinies is good but too slow

allso the fact you tap your slivers at the start to play more is fun but limits the aggro in the deck

Posted 06 January 2010 at 14:31 as a comment on Sliver Weenie


you have too much reanimation spells and not enough creatures you need more discard allso i suggest adding in blue cause that much revival spells will be dead draws allso augment ionas and add in attack stoppers like blazing archon and empyrial archangel cause you will have difficulties against control and red burn

consider cards like remand repeal and carefull study maximize cards like duress

Posted 06 January 2010 at 14:26 as a comment on Monoblack reanimator


in standard it doesntw ork

take it to extended or legacy and add martyr of sands
martyr of sands is th emost underrated card by non-extende dplayers but martyr of ands is the biggest lifegain card magic has ever known

Posted 03 January 2010 at 05:54 as a comment on 40 or more win


it doesnt work its just a mix of red dammage spelsl and blue counter and unblockable

if you want such a deck look at noggleboggle decks and counter-burn

Posted 03 January 2010 at 05:52 as a comment on Fire and water ???


are you concient about the fact that glacial chasm wont deal 2 dammage per turn to you but
2 4 6 8 10 12 ?

glacial chasm is better replaced with propaganda

Posted 31 December 2009 at 16:39 as a comment on high casting cost!!!!


yes ok but if you have a limited budget...

figure of destiny is really expensive and umezawa's jitte even more

Posted 31 December 2009 at 04:02 as a comment on The Horde


these decks can't stand other formats than standard ^^ this is a standard deck

allso child of the night can be replaced by way better creatures
(vampire hexmage) for example

Posted 31 December 2009 at 03:56 as a comment on Aggro (B)


haha the lands are cycling lands for astral slide it's obvious

but thanks

Posted 30 December 2009 at 13:00 as a comment on silent slide


never saw it thank you

btw trachery is indeed better but about sigil of sleep you are wrong
but sigil is wrnong cause temproal adept can cause mana screw

Posted 30 December 2009 at 12:57 as a comment on shapestealer


oh jyes and remove piranha marsh getting a tapped land for just 1 dammage is more likely nefast for you than for your opponent

Posted 28 December 2009 at 11:01 as a comment on My Vampire deck


lol on't listen to graham champion

allmost no vampire deck plays kalitas

he s useless in such a rush deck

Posted 28 December 2009 at 11:00 as a comment on My Vampire deck


leyline of th evoid seems like th emost efficient card in this deck

Posted 28 December 2009 at 10:58 as a comment on mist of stagnation lockdown


y don't play anough creatures and your token generators come quite late
allso luminarch is worthless without fo or protection from dammage
just play 2 copies of it

Posted 27 December 2009 at 13:52 as a comment on eldrazi white?


drop early wizards like sage of epityr and cursecatcher turn two voidmages information dealers
to build up for the turn 3 lockdown of patron wizard
don't be scared to sac wizards to voidmage

morphling is the amazing game winner that wins in ' turns
this deck has more ptential than people think and mostof em get really pissed when i win with this

but! i have 2 major weaknesses olcanic fallout and decree of pain.
ah damn those 2 own me each time thats why i side sage of fables

Posted 27 December 2009 at 13:49 as a comment on Wizard league V2.0


an dabout posting sucky decks it's not about darin gto post them it's that if you know your deck sucks it is uninterresting for us to read

and its' just ennoying to see peopel post crap deck s or those "1 copy of each card deck but still i think that my deck owns" deck

Posted 27 December 2009 at 11:04 as a comment on Counter spell deck (Worst deck i've ever made)


yeh yeh ok but when yuo go to a tournament you know you will get criticized and laughed at and crying like a baby is no option if they make fun of yuo work on your deck and make it better so you can kick their asses

but as i can see under your bushido deck you are not reaally well informed about tournament
before you go to a tournament you should know the meta the most played decks th estaple cards

and then choose if you want to join winners or go rogue.
but in legacy rogue doesn't work

and allso bushido deck can not be in standard block cause standard block only alolows the what 3? last sets
kamigawa rotated out long ago.
thats why people get laughed at at tournaments when you go to a tournament you have to have a certain level a decent eck and strategy and your knowledge of the cards must be better than good

i went to a draft while i hadn't played magic for about 2 months i didn't know anything about the meta and cards (shards of alara just came out) and i din't know a single card resutl?
really bad draft people calling me an idiot for what i drafted and being angry at me because i had to read every card.
instead of crying i followed the meta on forums and next draft i knew what i did and what i should do.
an di finished 3d what no one had seen coming

and teyes i posted a thread too of downraters cause i hate them so much some people are just idiots don't let them ruin your day .

Posted 27 December 2009 at 11:03 as a comment on Counter spell deck (Worst deck i've ever made)


post allist of your goblin deck i would say

but be sure that if you don't play goblin lackey and old very expensive gobs you wont make a chance neither

offcuorse it allso depends of the level of the tournament you are going to

Posted 27 December 2009 at 10:55 as a comment on Would this work for legacy tournment? Help needed!


sorry bt this is no draw go

draw go is a deck that controlls the board waiting to draw the winning combo or card
while this deck is MUC it may seem the same but is different for sure

allso spells like cancel are waaay too slow arcne denial would be good replacement
and yes this is one of the most bopring and ennoying blue decks there are

blue is my fav color but if its to play this sort of deck blah

Posted 27 December 2009 at 10:51 as a comment on Play Denied


if you want to stay standard it is indeed impossible

but why do you keep it in standard?
there's nothing in standard that can win from jund or allready existing things right now

unless you just play T2 fro fun

Posted 26 December 2009 at 09:35 as a comment on Djinns


sorry but it is like that

egacy is a hard format while your ddeck hardly makes it in casual i think
just try to make it better but dont hope for legacy wins...

Posted 26 December 2009 at 09:34 as a comment on Would this work for legacy tournment? Help needed!


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