
28 Decks, 254 Comments, 2 Reputation

this deck is just a mix of useless things , which will eventally mill you instead ofyour opponent

btw milling them by making them draw is not milling it's turbo. wheer s your jace 0.1 to make an advantage and don't mill yourself out?
why underworld dreams when you mill him you could use that space for utility cards which will make you better (jace offcourse!) luminarch is useless here you wnat to mill not attack with angels who won't ever activate in this deck
or instead of jace archive trap for the advantage otherwise you will mill yourself instead of the opponent.

sorry but this dekc is bad you should reconsider the whol ething

Posted 22 June 2010 at 09:12 as a comment on anti-mill mill deck


other artifact all those walls are useless, and just plain bad, and you do not have any mana ramp, or nothing which is bad too and your eldrazi will probably allmost never come out vefore you died 200 times

don't forget lodestone makes you eldrazi cost on emore too since they are not artofacts

Posted 21 June 2010 at 10:45 as a comment on Eldrazi tournament quality??


cool fun deck but competitively kinda weak. just saying ^^
but it's original!

Posted 17 May 2010 at 14:31 as a comment on Sliver Alliance


first of all limit it to 60 cards it has been the best since beginning of time since you will mostly draw what you need.
if you are trying to make a life deck Wrexial has nothing to do in here realy nothing it's useless sice it will be PTE'd directly sanguine bond comes in too late to be effective
you have absolutely no lifegain cards except your creatures and even your creature base is not stable enough.
4 man lands is too much man man lands are kinda wincons 2 is mooore than enough.
so like i said remove blue, make black white control
and do soething about that instable creature base.

your theme is life but in this deck teh theme doesn't really come through it's a bit of a mix of small usefull cards that don't go well together

Posted 17 May 2010 at 14:29 as a comment on I get life and you can't do anything about it


allways been my fav eck together with MUC i have allways liked beacon of immortallity here since it's allmost an autowin due to the time it makes you win
and the faerie matchup is pretty ok
they come with many lil flyers and counters that are the main problems wbut ionce they play bitterblossom they kill theirselves and runed halo is good against them

Posted 16 April 2010 at 06:12 as a comment on Hegemony (1.x)


too many wincons maximum 6 and prefferably 4

not enough counters with only 12 coubnters you ain't going to have enough

Posted 17 March 2010 at 11:09 as a comment on MUC


ad jaces remov ethe kraken hatchling useless add white for path to exile and othe removal and wall of denial

you aren't going far with this... standard is too fast for you and casual kitchen table has bgger cardpools than onkly standard
so basicly i would really be amazed if this wins from any deck...

Posted 15 March 2010 at 13:10 as a comment on Mono blue mill (comment)


sending moonglove changeling or
war-spike changeling to the grave won't cause cairn wanderer s ability teor resolve
caus ethey don't have the effect they can gain it via another effect

they are useless in this deck

Posted 08 March 2010 at 11:21 as a comment on Colorless


Sigil of nayan gods is useless and the best treshold is still the best treshold

Posted 07 March 2010 at 05:48 as a comment on Threshold (Suggestions?)


i'm sorry but this is one of the worst decks i've ever seen

start choosing 3 colors of allies and taking out all obelisks
then search what you want to do ith th eallies

allies you can't miss: harabaz druid, hada freeblade, kazandu blademaster

really focus on smaller allies join th eranks would indeed be nice
play some good overall spells

Posted 06 March 2010 at 08:28 as a comment on Allies


id love to have entombs in real life ! : p this is just my onlin edeck : D

Posted 06 March 2010 at 05:39 in reply to #55018 on my legacy deck(reanimator)


allso against mono green

you need some defence and some removal so path to exile day of judgement and oblivion rings shoukd do the job

Posted 06 March 2010 at 05:21 as a comment on Blue Mill Standard (Need help against mono green)


well listen if you stay mono blue you will never win in th estandard environment

add white and black
OR you play enough allies or you don't play any
playing th eamount of allies you have there is useless

so replace all your allies by
4 hedron crab
2 nemesis of reason
2 wall of denial

add in path to exiles
other things that make your opponent search library maybe

add in terramorphic expanse and 4 arcane sanctums

mind funeral is a key card
twincats wouldn t be bad at all
and i can't remember the rest

on th eother han dif you want to go ally mill you d better play cards like harabaz druid to build up mana and drop alot of allies in one turn
ally mill i squite fast

Posted 06 March 2010 at 05:20 as a comment on Blue Mill Standard (Need help against mono green)


lol are you new to magic?

it's caled control because control is the archetype that sits back and takes over control of the game instead of attacking with creatures constantly like aggro

and about the deck
setherial is right

good incons would be baneslayer (expensive) or sphinx of jwar island (cheap sollution)
allso i must inform ou that esper control has th elowest winning rate of the whoel tournament decks
so why not make an open the vaults deck?

sidedeck your color screwers they can be useless against non jund decks
you have 9 lands that come into play tapped that is waaaay too much

and is it me or do i count 31 land which is waaaay too much 25 should be the strict maximum

Posted 04 March 2010 at 10:23 in reply to #54964 on Control Control Control


lifegain control with felidar souvereyn and martyr of sands

land control
scepter chant
land tax
angel stax

sooo many choices but only some who are good
when you start with magic it's very impoprtant you read forums and stuff like that an search decks on teh pro sites not on mtg vault

white is goo dat mass removal so that's what you need
stall and protection

so to resume everything to th every very basic
you have 2 directions for mono white

weenie aggro
big control

so or you choose for removal life gain and big finishers and spells with enormous impatc on th egame (see my martyr deck)

or you play lil creatures with effetcs and protection hat really ennoy your opponent and are deadly dangerous

you can choose
type in on google
white weenie or mono W control for results but pay attention few decks are good!

Posted 03 March 2010 at 14:07 as a comment on revised kor armoryz


listen your cards are too random to be helped what do you want to do with your deck

tell us what you want to make of it and we'll help you
if you want white control look at my white martyr decks

Posted 03 March 2010 at 13:21 as a comment on revised kor armoryz


i typed a whole frikkin comment and my pc tripeed s it dissapeared

ok so in short

you absolutely need removal to run this deck 4 oblivion rings and 4 journey to nowhere
you need mass remvoval days of judgement are required if you can't afford them find replacement
if you play extended or legacy rout is a budget sollution.

snspring expedition is way better than narow escape
emeria the sky ruin would be good cause you make games very long and when it kicks in it could resurrect iona and make your game

you don't have any good creatures to equip lifelink to so drop it

wall of reverence should be a four of here
perimeter captain should be maxed out
and maybe luminarch and some fog to finish off
but this isn't a good sit efor deck advice tthis site is more casual
so when you really want to know hwhat to order

go to
and if you want to expand your deck to something eese than standard look at my martyr deck

Posted 03 March 2010 at 13:20 as a comment on Felidar Alt Win


storm decks are cool but most white control decks would just stop yuou with 1 card

Posted 03 March 2010 at 11:11 as a comment on Ad Nauseam Combo


actually spreading sees decks are good but only in standard since they can mana screw 3 color decks reallly badly

but this deck deffinitely needs more cascade dto get out al the mirages faster

Posted 03 March 2010 at 11:09 in reply to #54675 on Land Denial


it isn't legal experiment kraj cannot use planeswalker abilities

and can never put infinit eloyalty counters on himself

Posted 28 February 2010 at 13:47 as a comment on INFINITE PLANESWALKER ABILITIES


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