Thanks. I don't know green legacy very well so there are probably more cards that should be in here lol
restoration. It's hard to say no to baneslayer...
Great deck! Haha! I'm yet to make a bant deck that works. I might try this one though, although I'll swap an angel for another ooze... Can you check out my two new decks when you get the chance?
Oh yeah, and the only format where you need to be the richest to win. lol
yeah, the sideboard will make it even more reliable when I think of what to put into it...
Why would you run counterspell!!!???
Although actually, I may have added *cough* a playset of *cough cough* wurmcoil engine *cough.* wow, I am Really sick! :P
I have elspeth, but maindeck four over three. I still encounter problems such as getting behind turns because of missing mana drops or facing aggro decks. And I only run two jace because, although it seems as though he'd always help because he kills himself so quickly that you can play another, he often crowds my hand and doesn't really help until I have an elspeth pumping soldiers. Using this deck with the things I changed, I placed second in Kentucky but only lost to a mirror match. I've played magic since 04.
In my experience, running four fiendslayers in the sideboard is almost necessary. When put up against R/B aggro they make the difference and are almost necessary. Also very useful against mono red although surprisingly almost ineffective against mono black. So I'd sideboard four, but be sparing when you add them in...
If you didn't care about it being budget... you definitely need berserk. People rarely run budget legacy decks...
Totally. I hope that it has a playset of the charm Hahaha! It's my favorite card in standard.
epiphany? I don't have any of those yet. I'll get them soon. I actually don't know why it says that temple of mystery is in here. I'll fix that.
Maybe you could try adding a couple shock lands for the red or something like that
Why are there red cards in this deck? I see crimson wisps and the only way to play it is with the spirit guide... Also, this would be an Awesome Legacy deck. Imagine throwing in brainstorm, preordain, portent, maybe index, etc. That would be so cool Hahaha!
knightofthehokeypokey! I have a deck with that strategy! You should check out my shaman deck under the username Kruphix!
I'm also considering main decking pithing needle. I sideboard it in almost every time!
Okay, I updated my deck. This is what it looks like now. I think that it works a lot better with what it has now. Also, the Aegis of the gods are very effective.
I'm thinking of replacing one Ajani and one Ral with the two gods. Because Ajani is fairly important for this deck. And do you think that I should add godsend? I can't decide because it's not as good as the swords, but probably the best equipment in standard right now.
Hahaha! I have a deck almost exactly like this at my house! the archetype of courage should be in the sideboard, and doubling season is a good card, but not really what you need in this deck. It mainly just works with like 3 different cards here. :P But I do like this deck a lot!
It's funny to watch as they try to kill you with damage. It's hard to do enough to kill it in one turn. The chalice of deaths killed them in the end.
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