phantasmal image doesn't target anything. I checked before I commented just to be sure.
Do you realize that dismiss into dreams does absolutely nothing in this deck unless they target their own creatures?
I think that you should replace illusory angels and phantom beasts with unsummons and other removal. But I like the deck. BTW, you have a great combo. Phantasmal image copying lord of the unreal is great.
k, I commented on it.
With what?
I didn't really think of it. I might put one in. I don't know. I'll try it out and get back to you. :)
I don't really like figure of destiny, but Boros reckoner might be good.
Just kept adding them on. I think that some of them are multiples anyway. Deck tags don't seem to do much, so I didn't put them on my other decks very much. Are you not able to?
Yeah, sorry, I didn't even know that you can't sideboard. Great deck! :)
Yeah, I considered fog, or maybe darkness or both, but I don't know what to take out. Any ideas? And I'll totally look at your rakdos deck. :)
The only card that I think shouldn't be in here is the bane of progress. It is kind of anti-productive because of all of your non-indestructible artifacts and enchantments. Maybe Sideboard it. And I'm thinking that you need a chimeric mass and a eternity vessel and maybe a sol ring and kiora. Otherwise, looks great. :)
No, I've only posted like five decks. Right now at my house I have like 37 decks. All of which are either modern, standard, or based around really cool combos. I've bought 5 decks from the vault though.
That's a great idea! But I might actually use roughshod mentors instead... I can't decide. I'll probably go with the Nyleas. Thanks!
Yeah, but this deck is so full of cards that your opponent will want to kill immediately, that they waste all of their cards on the experiment ones and the simic manipulators. Then I can play my big creatures and they're toast! Also Aceticism doesn't allow any of that to happen...
Awesome! I have a deck almost exactly like this! I actually run 2 thundermaw hellkites and 4 caryatids though. And I don't use cacklers, no fanatic of Mogis, and 2 lilianas. Maybe a couple of other things. But they're very similar! I love your deck!
Wow, this is becoming an ethical discussion haha! I like both points of view. Puschin, I hadn't thought of it like that before. Thanks for bringing it up. :) and deathgodkira, that's probably one of the reasons that mind sculpter is banned, ( even though its very fun to redirect with some cards. :) and you guys need to try this.... Someone is playing door to nothingness in their deck, take over their turn and KILL THEM WITH IT!!!!! this exact thing happened to me yesterday! It was probably the coolest play I've ever seen in magic!
Are you sure? I run some copying in one of my evolve decks and the new creature doesn't get the same # of +1/+1 counters as the other creature... I feel like this is no different.
This deck is rarely beat by burn decks, but Esper control decks can give it trouble. I don't have much in the way of boardwipe prevention and countering.
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