Will do man. :) The tournament is coming up, and I have a feeling that I'll do great. :)
This is an amazing combo, but could come back to bite you in a three way if your hand is full of these cards and your opponents are running the right colors...
I'm thinking that maybe a divinity of pride would be nice. Five devotion for the Gray merchant, and kicks butt when it comes to lifelink. And maybe run Thoughtsieze and Ultimate price instead of doom blade.
For the sideboard I've switched out ajani, one cultivate, one great sable stag, both sundering growths, and primal command. I threw in 2 revoke existence to replace the sundering growths, 2 grand abolishers for the really annoying decks, and 2 imposing sovereigns, though I might go with a blind obedience instead of one of the sovereigns. I'm still working on it. :)
Cool. Thanks man. :) Same for you.
I disagree with using either of them. I would definately run four boon satyrs and sylvan caryatids though. They help my permanent ramp deck a ton!
Yeah, I pretty much have an unlimited access to cards because my family is so rich. It's kind of unfair... :/
Yeah, that also lead me to phyrexian soulgorger and myr superion which are great for this deck. Thanks once again. :)
Awesome! I was looking for this card but didn't know what it was called. Thanks a lot! And I considered Desecration demon, but it's not really what this deck is going for because of how easily it can be thwarted by token or sacrifice decks, but I'll sidedeck it. :) Thanks a lot. :)
And I have a feeling that with a few perfections from practice, this overall idea would do magnificant in modern. In fact, I'm bringing it to state this year for Washington to see how it does. :)
The rakdos deck would pop out monstrous hasty creatures really fast, and burn everything that I played. I stopped them wiht abolishers, sovereigns, and first strike. Cuz if I can't get the double strike mirran crusaders out fast enough, then I'm dead.
If you don't mind the price, then I would sideboard some eldrazi to anti mill. But if that's not an option, then there are plenty of other anti mill cards. I might throw in another boros charm to the sidedeck, maybe a couple of the white exile a white creature for two cards (can't remember the name). And definitely a playset of soldier of the pantheons. I can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but good luck with whatever you decide. :)
Great deck! And I love the name too haha! I'm thinking that maybe you should add a bit more of each individual guild. (like add gyre sage maybe, Zhur-taa ancient, I don't know.) But I really like this deck. You have a lot of great ideas. :)
Yeah, I went to the pre-release. It seems like a pretty good set. :) I looked at your deck and left a comment for you. I like it a lot. :)
Great deck overall! Very heavy damage! I might throw in a few firedrinker satyrs and maybe a couple nivmagus elementals, but otherwise very aggro! I love the connections. :) And you are officially friended by me. :)
Yeah, I'll probably throw one of those in. I haven't thought of born of the gods yet. :) thanks. And I'll totally check out your deck. :)
OH! I love primal surge! I run it in my gruul permanent ramp deck! It works great.
K, I bought it and it runs fantastically. Cost me about $350. The only problem it has is my onslaught/rakdos deck. But I fixed that by throwing in banisher priests and imposing sovereigns for the sidedeck. :) It works great.
also check out my unglued memorial for a fun time. :)
Check out my unglued memorial please.
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