I didn't like that rule also because cards like phantasmal image will kill cards like Emrakul. The copying spells can get annoying in that case.
Yeah, pacifism is a bit of a problem, but it usually is nothing when I have not of this world. But I may consider some green artifact removal, and there are a couple cards that would get me through cards like squadron hawk, but I might consider rancor or black boardwipe. I happen to have some, so that would be good, and I like tempt with discovery because I have so many special lands that I can get better cards than them. But a From the Ashes might cause problems. And no, I've played white weenie decks and all that they do is stall to this deck. I have smaller creatures to block while my marit lage kills any flying that they might have.
I think that kiora is good in just about any GU deck. And it provides another win condition. So I would definately suggest it.
Nice! That's perfect! Thanks. :)
Yeah, I run both actually, but only one fleecemane lion.
Thanks Black fire! I'll throw Aether Vial into my one. It seems like it will help a lot. :)
one more thing. If I thespian stage a legendary land... Do they both get saced? I've never really understood that rule.
And what do you guys think of mutavault. I happen to have like six available and a lot of people use them
I'm running the urborg for the hexmage, yes. It's nice because it makes itself a swamp too so I can still tap it for mana. and do you think that I should use lotus petal instead? I don't mind taking out the cavern, but don't want to unless I can get other mana turn one. Because if I do get that inconsistent chance, then I can still play another land that turn.
Oh, ok. Got it. I think that it will be a good sideboard card.
But then you don't have a win con either, maybe throw in whelming wave as a blue board wipe? then they don't have much chance of stopping your spells
I was considering removal, but it isn't really what I want, although it would also help for when they have flying creatures to block with. And I usually don't worry about aggro. I can almost always have the creature by turn 3 or 4, sometimes turn one or two, so they don't give me any trouble. Thanks. :) I will throw in some dark rituals however, I forgot those.
Maybe, but I don't like how slow it is and that you need to pay life to get any mana at all...
I was bored so I messed it up. If you put forests from different sets in then they show up differently.
Cool That would be great! I'll tell you when they post it. :)
needle doesn't work on axebane gaurdian, are you talking about the pinnacle?
Oh wow. That is a must have then. Thanks a lot. :) Does it work with the planeswalkers abilities?
I can't find bajuka bog, and Wasteland is above my price range for what I'm willing to buy. (I happened to have the Dark depths already) But I'll try Maze of Ith and Treetop village. :) Thanks
Thanks, I'll check those out. :)
At first I ran 3, but they would get in the way of eachother when I played against my friends. So now it's kind of like a leyline. If I start with it awesome, if not, no big deal. It can make the deck a lot faster. 2nd turn 20/20 flying indestructible. :)
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