Thanks I'll put them into the sidedeck until further notice. :) And I love your deck. I used to have a vorel edh deck, but it "evolved" into a modern deck upon recieving a playset of master biomancers. :)
I love it! Thanks for sending me to it! Now you need to check out my simic deck. Haha! :)
I'm thinking pithing needle or runed halo could be moved down to your sideboard to replace surgical extraction, but I've never ran a deck like this before. Sorry. :P
The only problem is that you'd need to pay the mana to draw the cards or destroy the permanent. The biggest 3 eldrazi say that they activate their cool abilities upon being cast, but mayael plays them. So unless you're talking about paying the mana, I disagree.
What about warstorm surge??!! One of my favorites for Mayael!
I love the deck! The madness mechanic looks great! Check out my decks if you get time. :)
Ok, totally fine. I'll try primal bellow out and get back to you. :)
I love the deck! But I might run freed from the real, and maybe try puresight merrow too! There are a lot of really nice untapping cards in eventide and shadowmoor. :)
I love it! You should check out my gruul deck too! I bet that they would be fun to clash!
Nice! I might run a whelming wave for a temporary board wipe while your getting enormous, but I love the deck over all! Check out my decks if you have any time!
Awesome combos! Love the deck! Check out my decks if you get any time please. :)
Brimaz, king of oreskos? and maybe brave the elements instead of gods willing. Love the deck. :) check out my decks if you get any time please. :)
The lantern is there because some of the creatures that I want to scavenge cost BBB or GGG and it gets hard to get 3 of the right color early in the game. Does that make sense?
Great deck! I would put in an elite arcanist. Easily a game winner with silence or render silent. :) Much like isochron scepter. And what about detention sphere?
Very fun. And Will do. :)
I think that I should at least follow EDH rules. Thanks guys. I took it out. :)
Thanks, I didn't realize it because I haven't played EDH too much. Tell me if there is anything else.
OK, like I do with every deck, I'll put any cards that I think might be good into the sidedeck and let you decide.
Check out my new scavenge EDH deck!
281-300 of 437 items