Yeah, I tried to have a little discard, but mine is mainly draw as well. Some of the powerhouses in mine are forced fruition, teferi's puzzle box, and omniscience. One I play one of these, my opponent just about loses. And I agree for the sire of insanity. He's caused me some problems I'll take him out. And sadly, I rarely play casual. So this deck is rarely used. :( but thank you for your wisdom. It is much appreciated. :)
Those sound good! The incendiary command especially! I was trying to find more cards like that, but couldn't very easily. Do you think that underworld dreams would fit in here? It's kinda mana intensive
Yeah, he works well for me. I initially created this deck just because I thought it might be fun, but never any good. But it turned out fairly powerful.
I considered underworld dreams, but decided against it because it's mana intensive. And yeah, I probably should throw some tutors in. Maybe demonic, vampiric, and fabricate. Thanks for the help!
Xenagos of course
I'd throw in two of the four drop elspeths too they're extremely good
I like it a lot! It seems like this version could even be competitive to an extent. I think that the four tabernacles is a bit much, but it makes sense because you can sac them to dust bowl. I love the inclusion of winter orb and am not sure about hall of mist. Also, having the sideboard is nice. What do you think of running a couple copies of not of this world? I think that would be nice with dark depths, but I'm not sure. I'll try this deck out in the meantime. Also I'm sideboarding ghost quarter for decks without basics.
Thanks knight! And it's fine Jessie. I understand. I can't do standard at all. :P
Okay then. :) here goes.-Jin-gitaxis is almost necessary in this deck. I have seen it in action and it destroys most decks.-It's my personal opinion that nirkana cutthroat doesn't belong here. It's a great card, but not much for either of the mime's powers. I think a good replacement would be somberwald sage for earlier mana.-switch killing wave out for toxic deluge, it's much more effective.-If you have the money then sensei's divining top is perfect for any EDH deck.-I like that you have the big creatures necessary, but you should also have cards to get them to your graveyard to be used by mime. For example: fauna shaman, lore broker, merfolk looter, and maybe survival of the fittest just to be mean.-a few other cards I would add include whispering madness, Jace's archivist, windfall, living death, body double, sheoldred, memory adept, and possibly flux. Sorry if I tried to change the deck too much, I just can't see the mime without some of the ones I mentioned. Sorry if there are any problems with the cards I suggested. Good luck and happy building!
Oops! :P sorry! Your correct. It IS opponent. I'll most definitely put that in then. Thanks for that suggestion!
Yeah, I have an extremely good edric deck that this deck destroys because edric draws so much on his own. Nekusar ftw!
Thanks. It's not the best EDH deck I've made, but it's definitely one of the most fun to operate.
Great deck! But why not run nicol bolas? I have a deck similar to this one of you get time and would like to compare. Any constructive criticism is much appreciated of course. :)
Nekusar is awesome! I think nicol bolas should have a place in here, but otherwise great! I love the concept of using your opponent's greed to kill them. If you get time, could you compare or decks? I have a recently built one quite similar to this...
I love this concept! Nekusar ftw!!! He's one of my favorite commanders. I would suggest a nicol bolas and possibly dack fayden if you have room though. Also, you should check out my Nekusar deck if you get time. I took him in the opposite direction and he works quite well for me.
This deck looks great! I've seen some powerful mimeoplasm decks, so I might be able to give some constructive criticism if you wouldn't mind... but I'll await your permission so as not to be rude. :)
Howling mine is already in. The owl seems like it could go either way... I guess that my opponent will often have seven cards or more come their upkeep, but I will almost always, and that will hurt a lot in the long run. I'll try it out and consider whether it's worth having. Thanks for the advice!
Okay haha! That's fine. Sorry to bother you with it.
Criticism is greatly appreciated. :)
Oh man! Leatherback ftw!!! I love it! beasts are the bomb! Do you think you could spare a minute and constructively criticize my newest EDH deck? I'm not sure how well it runs and would like some keen eyes on it please.
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