nice!!! Still prefer stormtide leviathan...
Ill sideboard it
Seems pretty legit! DO IT!!
Im not an idiot first of all. This deck is meant to be a spam. And frankly, your superior attitude annoys me. do not condescend. i know all of this.
The point of the deck is almost a spam that can kill through damage OR mill. And my spells cost a lot less due to Stonybrook Banneret. So before you hate on some of my best cards, consider what they do in combo before making your decision as to whether or not they are good enough. I use this deck and consistently i pull out over 100 merfolk before destroying my enemies. Lullmage helps along with Merrow Commerce because I can mill then cancel as many times as i want. Ps. All MERFOLK spells include tribal and also Banneret makes merfolk AND wizard spells cost 1 less meaning 2 less for a merfolk wizard. So that 4cmc? Nope, he's a 2 cmc now.
Any other helpful suggestions?
might be. haven't looked in a while. look into thought reflection and rhystic study
try panoptic mirror
Sure thing broski
I know. I know. Its friggin myrs.
oh and those are 4/4 myrs by the time that happens.
Choice. Spam cheap and fast. Or spam infinite myrs.... Tough choice.
Meh. Fineeee. Just to troll
I would if it said send them to the grave... it says remove them from game :(((
lololololololol boredom
Any expensive cards over 1000$?
Since it technically doesn't leave the field, and yet isn't there. Unearthing doesn't go away :/
IM A MAN!!!!!
Phasing is one of the biggest bullshit i've seen....
Take out deep analysis and add inspiration? No flashback but it IS an instant.Take out all syncopate and add counterspell or cancel.More of Tormod's Crypt and similar cards that exile the grave. Then the opponent cant do crap! Take out Mahomoti Djinn and add the 8 cmc Islandwalk thing that makes it so only creatures with Islandwalk or flying can attack. If you are that late in the game they have chances for turn arounds and disenchantment. So add something that protects AND smashes.
141-160 of 707 items