xD been building slowly between work haha and Sheoldred is one of my favorites! I like Avatar of Woe but... Probably gonna use it as a sideboard. Adding in more cards for for something like a search engine and kill cards will be a secondary thing.
Oh and try adding dissipation field. It makes it so that any creature that attacks you and deals damage is returned to the hand. Pure blue. Oh and fatespinner would help to be a great control as well.
Yup worshiping Emrakul
.... You have issues, sir O.o
Love the deck! Gives me great ideas for my own, just like you said. There is only two cards I would add to make paradox even better! One is Celestial force so you gain 6 life each turn, especially effective in large groups. Also try adding evil twin. He is an amazing control card even for non-legendary.
Huh, thanks man! This deck actually did give me some good ideas! Especially the lands!
Hmmm thanks, man. Ill take a look
Thank you sir!
those are good but as you said... pricey...
I would like to add those cards but im trying to keep it r/u/b....
Umm. Hate to say this but since it is a cost to put a -1/-1 counter on devoted druid, if it doesnt happen then it doesnt activate....
Just remembered... There is an enchantment to go along with Melira. Its white. I forget the name but it makes it so you cant lose the game except through damage. And once your life is 0 you take poison counters. When you get ten you lose. Well... with melira you cant get poison counters... xD
Well damn :/... Could you comment on my latest deck? Here is a link:http://www.mtgvault.com/2hp10/decks/sorcery-probably/
Any ideas to help modify this deck would be amazing! Thanks!
haha no problem, man.
Hmmm. Maybe then. Oh but the other blue green guy does double the counters.
no... only lands, creatures, and artifacts. awk.
No problem man. Try to focus on the doubling potential of a blue green mix if you can add it in.
Good. Sehr gut. Uhh there is this one suspend guy who gets you a soldier each turn he is suspended... dont remember the name. and his p/t is equal to the number of soldiers you control
Also: add stuff to make your creatures unblockable and merfolk things too. Derevi's ability only works if your creature deals combat damage
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