I love the updates and modifications mate
Heh exactly. I haven't played this game in a long time but surely there are more cards like that. There was one where target player discarded their hand and drew 7 cards. Don't remember the name or if it was even legal but just saying that it would be nice to have yourself a duel edged sword. Oh and traumatize is an option. If you want to cut your own deck and oil with laboratory maniac faster.
... But I can't just say I have the cards. Easiest way to show on this site us to say it was in my sideboard. I get what your saying. Its not an actual sideboard haha.
For tournament s and the like but in casual it doesn't matter
I would put compulsive research at 4 target them with notion on the field and you get them to discard 1-2 cards an you draw 3 with no penalty. Not broken at all.
This looks all sorts of messed up T.T I want to see how it rolls irl. Hows it work versus your Eldrazi?
Find something to spam more creatures for a meat shield? Or scourge's eff.
Any comments on how to edit lands/make the combo faster or more reliable please comment!
Wellll they do specifically say in a casual game you can use any card in your collection. So screw getting butthurt. That's stuff meant to be left in prison!
Only in a sanctioned event or a tourney. If you aren't then do whatever card ya have :D
Spent time adding in more transmute cards to get that fetch rolling!
xD really great troll deck that can actually win haha
Love the Artist idea but pulse is focused in aggro and mine is more of a build and wait.
Im just gonna play him out and leave him there to make them waster burns or kills targeting him and at the last moment when they have wasted a turn return him to hand <3. Was gonna add Witchbane's Orb but not legal in standard damnit....
-_- damnit
Drop down on that staff and swap in the Hunter's Ambush would be a good idea. Less health but more health protection for a non green opponent. Course if this wasn't standard I'd say add in huntmaster but oh well T.T
Wow. This is an awesome and original idea! Can't really think of anything without mana cost to add from grave to field or something like that would help but this looks like it would be fun yo use!
Don't worry bout it man thanks for the correction!
Thanks for the advice! I added in Cavern of Souls, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. But... Can't seem to find Vorath's Stronghold or anything searched under Vorath. I didn't add Strip Mine since I don't care for land control in this deck and the only other thing it does is add one colorless mana. Not worth it in my opinion.
Any comments or advise would be awesome!
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