I run Khemba in real life and trust me, the best kind of deck with her is to put as many equipments as possible in it and have life gains that work for massive amounts of creature's which I see you have but you need more equipments to run Khemba really well.
I also need legal cards for adding stuff to my hand.
Need help because I honestly think that this doesn't have enough mana in the beginning. Any ideas as to how to keep the combo intact and add mana, please post.
Only a few questions. Why is there only one reanimate? With Griselbrand having lifelink it sorta makes it like a free way to pull him out of the grave for a really cheap cost. Plus then you can use Cabal Therapy in a more effective way by sacrificing him after he attacks and then pulling him back with "technically" losing no life. And if you use use the children of Korlis you actually gain life right? One more question is why tendrils of Agony? It seems like a higher cost for a deck that runs pretty fast without medium cost sorceries/instants...
Hmmm. I know you haven't been on for a while but when you do itd be great if you looked up my latest decks lol
Lightning Greaves for your blightsteel colossus? And mabe call it Artifact Supremacy?
You put growing ranks in.. for one card. Giant Adephage. He can spam tokens of himself well enough without it. Yes it is scary but unnecessary. My advice would be to take those out and add Master Biomancer or the Zameck Guildmage. Or there is a blue enchantment 5 cost that makes you proliferate every time you cast a spell. Might be useful ehem.
Ok lol. Sorry bout that.
Ummm... I only see one card that can cost over 4... and that's alright because he can pull out another Burning Guttersnipe with it. And mana accelerators would be like Chromatic Lantern?
Ok lol. Sorry for going off at you. It pisses me off when people dismiss decks that have potential. Ya know?
You are literally retarded if you think this is a bad deck. It actually has a style that I like because it pulls out guttersnipe and then copies him repeatedly. This can be a deadly effect especially with all the flashbacks he has and burning vengeance he can start dealing a shitload of damage for casting a spell that helps him such as cackling counterpart... (Apologies GARM00 if your a girl. Just assuming since most people on vault are guys. Btw nice deck haha.)
This looks to be a pretty fun control deck haha. If your going for enchantments with blue... why not Omniscience or even Dream Halls?
This. This is interesting haha. And original! I like it. If you want to chip away at their health better there is an enchantment that everytime your opponent draws a card deal 1 damage to them. Also, ever heard of realmwright? He is a one cost creature that is amazing. Great idea though. Keep up the ideas.
Uhhh.... Not a typical spirit deck that I have seen recently, but it seems to have potential. First advice: lose the Azorius cards. Yes they are cool but not really meant for spirits the way you think they are. It would be better to add spells that would help amp your spirits and allow you to crush your opponent more quickly. Favor of the Winds i think is a good one because all flying creatures you control get +1/+1. And look up Drogskol Reaver. He is a pretty cheap card.
I kinda get the approach you are trying to do, but as of now this deck doesn't have any focus at all and the burn cards that are in it aren't even close to being the best there is. Flame Servant is a good idea but you should have more than one of him, Burn at the Stake? Great card, but not in this deck because you have so few of creatures. A deck it would be better in is a deck that has A LOT of creatures such as a a goblin spam deck. Look up a card named Arcblade (At least I think that's the name) it causes three damage to target player or creature and after it is cast it is suspended. Therefore it never goes away and you can keep dealing three damage to your opponent without having to pay its mana cost.
Lol i love him but he is too high of a cost... ill consider it
If you can, get a keeper of progenitus in here. He makes it so that when you tap a mountain, plains, or forest for mana add an additional mana of the same color. And hes a four cost green to get out I think.
the beginning of your ninth turn huh? You most likely have lost some creatures by then so it would be good to pull it out. And if it comes out tapped thats fine because this deck runs off of low mana.
He's only a two cost..... Should be goblin obviously.
Dude. I am like the biggest nerd ever haha. i even play dnd :P. And ya shes a nerd which makes it awesome but she doesnt care for magic :/
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