That sucks! I love using winds of change to screw over combo-based legacy decks haha.
I get how it would be scary to turn all your creatures into land but I have yet to face a deck that was able to destroy all lands in a clear wipe without severely hampering themselves... And the Elspeth, Knight-Errant is able to pull out a soldier a turn for a plus one which is awesome. And I totally understand the whole not wanting to share cards between decks haha. I play basically only Commander and Legacy and it is hard to decide what decks to keep and what to trash. What's your favorite leader?
What artifacts would you recommend?
Derp! Totally forgot that one. Thanks man
Lol basically... But I wanna make it so It is hard as shit to beat this
This deck is really good at pulling low cost dame dealers. A better way to do it is to deal damage to every creature and player, but I'm assuming you don't want to make a new deck haha. Worldfire would be a good card in this deck since it has so many low cost spells. It exiles everything on the field and in the hands. Then everyone's life becomes 1. Hope for a mana and a one cost damage dealer haha. Another good one that is black is Sorin Markov the planeswalker because he can make your opponent's total life 10 on the turn he comes out.
If you want to make this deck amzing... bring down the mana cost levels and add cards to make the monsters unblockable. There is also a blue 5 cost cmc card that i think is name Inexorable Tides. Everytime you cast a spell, proliferate. Nuff said. Since you aren't following a format might as well add Tolarian Academy since you have so many Artifacts.
This is a legit deck! Just not a quick one. More mid ranged :P. Any advice to make it faster would be awesome.
I love wizards but.... You only need 2 mabe even one of each legendary. Ertai, Wizard Adept?
You dont really gain life so take out doubling season and put in parallel lives. It has a lower cmc.
It made me change the combo slightly but it didnt stop me haha. Thanks for pointing it out though.
Sigh. Most tutors that are actually good are illegal in legacy :/ but thanks for the advice. i'll look into it.
Wha- Just. Seriously?? This is AWESOME!! Try adding like 5 cards to the deck so you deck out you opponent?
Looks pretty legit for a combo kind of legacy whats the win consistency?
Seems legit. Might to add Hostility if you were to add more damage dealers.
Angel's Grace and Silence if you got it. Take out Mana Tithe.
Doubling Season, Rhox Fatihmender, Serra Avatar (with double strike and lifelink basically triple your life each turn[i noticed true conviction lol]), and there is one card that is an elemental that whenever you gain life put that many +1/+1 counters on it. You gain 100 life? 100 counters. Pretty cheap card. You really only need one of each planeswalker...
Only advice? Rampant growth instead of farseek so you have more options. And mabe armor up Transguild Courier instead? It gets literally all the bonuses instead of only a few of them haha. Great deck though
Hmmm... Interesting enough. Spam creatures while keeping down the enemy's field? My advice would be to add avacyn and use her and Novablast Wurm in a REALLY gay combo. You also dont really need Ulamog... And if you are looking to make a Saproling deck there is one card that I can't remember that makes all saprolings forests and all forests Saprolings. Awesome enchantment for a mana ramp. Another piece of Advice is to take out Elspeth Tirel and replace her with Elspeth, the Knight-Errant in order to make basically everything indestructable. Oh and Diabolic Revelation might come in handy.
And one thing you can't forget is True Conviction :P. All your creatures have double strike AND lifelink
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