Cabal Coffers. It will work better than lake of the dead. Especially late game :P. It is IS slow to get running.
... Flame Servant? That way when you play soul's fire with nova chaser it is an insta-win?
Thank you... That is all I can say :P
I know about the infinite myr stuff but I wanted an elf deck haha. If i make a lrgacy out of this idea i'll for sure make it the myr spam. Especially since if you give myrs haste they become deadly :P
But i put it all into Helix Pinnacle...
Depr! Forgot about Vesuva!! Thanks man
Exactly why it's in there :P
Lol. Then what about gauntlet of power? Or even Caged sun?
That isss pretty goof but I need to consistently get the green mana fo my elvish spells ya know? Ill prob put it in though haha
I would love to add Vorinclex but he is wayy too late of a game card in my opinion. I'll put one in and see how it rolls... And boundless realmssss.... Mabe. Ill see if I have one. Thanks for the Arbor Elf advice haha!! Totally missed it!!
Your point is...? It looks like a sprint deck with no deck. Which means its the riskiest and most hilarious kind of deck there is haha. It is probably meant for casual play which makes it totally fine. And Cruncher. For a late game (if you survive that long) add Avatar of Slaughter. And you def need Gauntlet of Might. 4 Cost double your mana and all red creature's get +1/+1.
If you see a flaw point it out and put up a suggestion for any cards that you think would fit better.
And it is done! Just realized but I can pull him out for a five cost :P how scary is that? 4th turn progenitus??
One thing I would change is the tag. This isn't theoretical... It's damn deadly :P
Agreed with that NexEvo!!
Anytime dude haha. Just realized you commented on my legacy. Derp. I'm a bit slow sometimes... Add a Spirit Commander i believe is the name where all your tokens get +1/+1. Also mabe sudden disappearance? It removes from play all creatures your opponent controls and returns them during their next endstep. Pretty cheap.
Vampire Hexmage?
It looks pretty standard but not really ready for Legacy. There isn't much you can do to stop them from pulling out a creature and combo's will kill you if they go first. You might stop their combo, yes, but most of them if not all can pull the combo out of any card they draw and win in the second turn... So unless you have cards to cancel that then you are basically screwed. Discard decks are some of the hardest to use because the opponent can draw a lucky card. The fetchlands are useful but you only have one type of mana so why are you using them? A good card that WILL screw combo decks completely is the card Surgical extraction which you can cast for a cost of two life to remove target card in a graveyard from play, the you search your opponents deck so you know what the combo is/what their most useful card is, and remove all cards with the same name from the game. Underworld dreams is another good card that deals one damage to your opponent whenever they draw a card (including draw step). And one final piece of advice is to add the land Cabal Coffers and/or Tomb of Yawgmoth.
Haha welllll. Ever hear of Show and Tell?
Lol true haha. Sorry if I comment too much but it peaks my interest when someone actually makes original decks that I haven't thought of or have overlooked. Most people just make the same damn decks all the time.
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