To force your opponent to draw every turn play some font of mythos' and howling mines. Add Hypnotic spectors to make them discard more.
Mycoid Shepherd allows you to gain life by losing you Hydra, but its only five life. Spell breaker Behemoth ensures that the hyrda will be played at least and is altogether a safer bet. Go with the Behemoth. I really like the idea (even though I had it about two monthes ago) and would really like to play it. +1
I agree, 80 is unheard of for a competitive deck. A rainbow Allies deck, to me, seems pointless as it'll generally be too hard to get the right mana out and bring them all out. Plus some are better than others. Red, Green, and even a little White are the best Ally colors. With them you get the field clearing Pyromancer, the Ally boosting Warlord, the life gaining cleric form Ondu, a Blademaster and Survivalist that grow with time, and even a token spawner. All those mentioned are reletively cheap, I think, compared to the Hagra Diabolist and Sell-Sword from black. Blue's Allies just fail in my book.
Cakins...STFU!!! This guys is not bad. Instead of saying vague things about one stinking card, maybe give him some advice or complement him. And please stop with your incessant emotins that don't fit with what you are saying. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I do like that deck and it'll probably hold up very nicely at FNM. As far as help goes you might want a few more Bloodghasts in there as it is very useful when they all come back. Some other cards could be more helpful in higher quantities also. Other than things like that it's a great deck and you have some skill. +1 from me.
Yes, I do have an online account. Same name as this Acount: ZeusBigbear. Granted, my deck is more theme-based then yours, it'll still win. I'll see you online.
I agree and the blackies are way too expensive and require that they already play black or i need one of the mirages. Blue and green would be waaay simpler and easier to manage. Thanks Nick and I believe you won my deck challenge on Mirror-Sigil Sergeant. Congrats.
No no, it's a good question. What if? That's when I play either Spreading seas or Convincing Mirage. And if i don't have one in my hand at that moment, I can search for one with my Diabolical Tutor. The only thing I don't like is that its three colors and I don't think I can get the right colors out or enough mana at the right times. I'm gonna play-test it and might change it later. Keep the comments and suggestions coming guys.
oops, forgot to add the red mana. LOL. I aagree though, it needs blightning and other burners
YAY ZOMBIES! Looks good. The only thing I can think of is the old Zombie token generator from Reborn. Its not exactly in your colors though, but still. Necromancers Covenent and Mind funeral or Nemesis of Reason. Good job. +1 from me.
If you add in some Royal assassins instead of the assassinates it will leave more mana at your disposal and you could possibly remove more. Since you have alot of Swamps in their maybe put in one or two mind sludges just to discard more. You seem to have alot of discard cards in there so why not make that this decks main theme and take out things like the nightmare that don't serve that purpose. Add in Under world Dreams and either a splash of blue or red for burning inquiry or others. To make sure that they always have thing to dicads, put in Howling mines and spellbooks. And just for those pesky creatures that your opponent gets out early, put in a few Disfigures.
More Sunspring and even landbind. also, wall of reverence plus the Avatar that Ajani puts out means every turn you double your life. DOUBLE IT!!! lol. I too have a Felidar deck. Check it out on my profile.
I like the whole Zombie thing you got goin' here, but don't you think it could use something like Cemetary reaper or even Rise from the grave to get an opponents creature every now and again? Death Baron roolz!!! Please look at some of my decks, I'm rather new to Magic.
It is my opinion that a better way to acomplish this goal of traumatizing yourself and then bringing you deck back is by using artifacts and open the vaults. But I guess you wanted to try and use Liliana for something, personally, I think she goes into a Zombie deck. Have you ever tried to make one of those?
Either Goblin bushwhacker or Behemoth's Herald, scratch that, ALL the Heralds.
Hipponox, I gotta say, you are one amazing human being!!! This is pretty good. Especially for a mill deck of type 2. Maybe, though, since you have a Liliana add in a Jace since he is for mill decks. I can't believe you don't have Megrim in there though... Food for thought?
Dude, doomdirk, My Naya deck with godsir is virually the same excpet i have the ability to bring gosire out. there are only two cards that even have the landfall ability and even then it only lasts for a turn. My deck can path and bolt as well and the thing about it is that i can bring out more than one Godsire. Ultimately our two decks are even matched. I just prefer biggys like Godsire.
Cakins, your deck was all over the place filled with powerhouses that will probably never come out. This deck has a structure to it. Pull Ranger of Eos (which i do in every game I've played it) and bring out a red and the herald. Next turn sac them all for Godsire. Only thing I have watch for is counterspells, and usually I can tell if an opponent is playing with them and I run them down with my little shitters anyway. The lush growth offers mana diversity (which I need) and a way to boost the Nacatyl quickly. Its very useful. On a side note, I still don't like you or your decks and I'd appreciate it if you would stop commenting on mine, seeing as you never have anything useful to say. I'm not going to say that you suck at playing Magic, thats implied by the fact you never say anything useful to anyone. Good day, sir.
Personally, I think the objective of a solier deck, especially standard, is to get alot of creatures out quickly and charge all at once. That rules out exalted. However if you were to put ranger of eos in the deck, more than just one card thats a one-drop would be nice for flexability. I also think that the pikemaster is a bit costly (mana-wise) even if it does give your guys first strike. CotW is great because she puts out extra soldiers. The veteren swordsmith and armor smith go together like pork and beans. Add some armorsmiths. Coat of arms would be nice. Keep kazandu blademaster, its a two-drop for 2/2 that can easily get bigger. sadly, I belive that the squire should go, you won't be attacking alone very often. And even then, its only +1/+1.Good job on the deck, it ets +1 from me.
I just had a wicked idea! What if you make an illusion deck with a splash of green? Most illusions are unblockable and with green to power them up, it would make short work of you opponent!
HOORAH!!! A decent megrim deck!!! Try it with out the angelsong, you really don't have much use for it with all the life gain. You might wanna add in a Liliana Vess or Sorin Marcov for added BANG. +1
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