
43 Decks, 175 Comments, 0 Reputation

WTF is up with snakeform? You always have only one card to make it extended. if its extended we have new opportunity but otherwise lose snakeform. It's not even that good in the face of Explore. As for genesis wave, I see where you're going but seriously? Enough mana to make it work to its full potential is barely achievable. And I still say lose the pyromancers and maybe one or more ranger to bring down the mana curve. add in explore for more mana ramp and/or card advantage or more burn or something. Lse the Refuges for 2 more ravines and rootbound crags if you can get them.

Posted 31 December 2010 at 15:02 as a comment on Ally deck


Black actually has some of the weaker allies as black isn't a nice color and doesn't play well. the only good one is hagra but he's so damn expensive and not altogether worth the cost.White is actually perhaps the best color especially since it had join the ranks. Two triggers and two more bodies? Totally worth 4 mana. White also has Sun Titan. Which especially helps to bring back oh i don't know: Hada, Kazandu, ondu, a wall of omens, or even a honor of the pure. All of these combine to make a ballin' mono white allies deck.

Posted 31 December 2010 at 14:57 in reply to #110937 on Ally deck


Also, Gravity well and the borderposts suck. Lose them for other means of mana ramp.

Posted 31 December 2010 at 02:14 in reply to #110916 on Ally deck


Not nearly enough land or fetch for a deck with this high of a mana curve. Harabaz Druid FTW. White has great allies but you're fighting with a different style here. More Akoum battlesingers as well. Lose the pyromancer and maybe knock the rangers down to two. As much as I love canopy cover it shouldn't be in here. It's a small amount of protection when protecting your own isn't a primary concern...

Posted 31 December 2010 at 02:12 as a comment on Ally deck


Mkay, 3 Gideon's and 4 Celestial's I'll give you that. Manlands die fairly fast where I play, just sayin' and it stands to reason that Gideon is a huge target. That may be enough to get you by, but I wouldn't take the chance... IF i were running U/W control that is. No, I actually am not that passionate about this deck or even similar ones. I don't see them win against me so I don't see them as good decks. That may by a bit egotistical of me but its how I see it. But if you really want... I'll post a U/W control deck in a few days.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 19:07 as a comment on Blue/White Control


And no Kor Firewalker in the sideboard? WTF!?! Red Deck Wins crushes U/W Control, you need pro red.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 22:21 in reply to #75104 on Blue/White Control


Mkay. Great control. But, unless you're just gonna mill them out, how do you plan on winning? The only way for you to cause damage is with Gideon, which they will try to kill as fast as possible. Put in at least some creatures that can help you ACTUALLY win, like Baneslayer fo Jwar Jwar Sphinx (Sphinx of Jwar Isle). Even a sun Titan or something... I mean really.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 21:35 as a comment on Blue/White Control


And I can't believe there's no Primeval Titans up in here, or the slime/ooze thingy that splits then splits again or even Omnath. Dude... so many good green cards that aren't in here.

Posted 17 July 2010 at 14:56 as a comment on Garruk: Lord Of The Hunt



Posted 17 June 2010 at 02:47 as a comment on U/B Standard Tutor


I'm pretty sure this is Standard format so most the stuff you said is not in the question, the yearling however I agree with. I like raid bombardment since my deck focuses on it. Link:



Posted 12 June 2010 at 13:50 as a comment on FAAAAAAASSSSSTTTTT


Nice, I really like goblin decks but I have to contend that mine actually works. By turn 4 your opponent will usually be down by half and done after that. The link is:



Posted 12 June 2010 at 13:48 as a comment on Goblin beat-down


Dude, more inquisitions and maybe some Duress instead of mind rot. Mind Sludge is better because by the turn you play it their hand is shit. They will then have to topdeck and that puts you in control. Doom blade for cheap removal??

Posted 28 May 2010 at 10:07 as a comment on Mono Black Control


Hurray for another slightly twisted version of "Boss Naya".

Posted 06 May 2010 at 10:19 as a comment on naya says hush little baby.


Why only 2 Leatherbacks? Khalni Hydra and Omnath would be perfect in this deck. Maybe mainboard terastedon or wolfbriar elemental or even a Protean Hydra or two. Goood luck and Go Green!

Posted 04 May 2010 at 22:24 as a comment on Heavy-hitters


It seems to me that there are some cards in your SB that should be in the main. Like Day and brave the elements. This is a great looking deck but only if you have the right amount of cards. There are waay too many mythic rares in there for anyone to get reasonably. Maybe make and post a more budget version? Great job though!

Posted 30 April 2010 at 09:53 as a comment on Rise of Emeria Control


Indeed you are right. Only thing i can say is deprive and splash green for Jhessian infiltrater, which is unblockable. There are other green cards that would work well in here as well.

Have fun and good luck if you're using this.

Posted 26 April 2010 at 20:24 as a comment on Super-Duper U/W Standard Shutdown


Akoum Battlesinger is one of the best Allies! Mainboard it. Talus Paladin is also pretty good. Use a playset of join the ranks.

Posted 26 April 2010 at 10:35 as a comment on Red, White, and Allies


I like the Zendikon idea, the blue one is only a one drop and is a 2/2 flier so it's not bad. I can do it to any land though.

The idea is if I don't get a hedron crab in my first hand I'll mulligan. It's not worth adding in black for diabolic tutor or white for ranger of eos.

Posted 26 April 2010 at 10:28 as a comment on Terrible Terramorphic Crab


Yess but adding green would allow for Harabaz Druid, which defeats the purpose of Spread 'em decks, doesn't it?

Posted 22 April 2010 at 21:35 in reply to #62667 on Boros Expeditionary Force


What?! No Ardent Plea? Not a lot of Exalted if you ask me. Ardent plea can cascade into Ethercaste Knight, Quasali Pridemage, and Knotvine Paladin. All great exalted cards. The pridemage can kill shit you don't want and the paladin isn't really exalted but it gets an even bigger boost if you have creatures untapped, which you will since he's the only one you'll be attacking with.

Posted 19 April 2010 at 10:28 as a comment on Bant Exalted


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